姚益清, 文庭孝, 丘奂阳. 眼动生理特征及应用研究综述. 2024. biomedRxiv.202412.00079
通讯作者: 文庭孝, wtxsomebody@163.com
A review of the physiological characteristics and application of eye movement
Corresponding author: WEN Tingxiao, wtxsomebody@163.com
摘要:目的/意义 眼动是人体重要的生理特征,通过研究一个人的眼动生理特征可以反映一个人的心理特征和行为倾向。在医学信息学领域,眼动生理特征计量还能用于诊断抑郁症等疾病,帮助丰富医学大数据,梳理国内外眼动生理特征研究现状,能够为眼动生理特征未来在医学等领域的研究和应用提供参考。方法/过程 结合文献计量学和文献综述方法,归纳眼动生理特征计量研究现状。结果/结论 归纳出眼动生理特征研究常用指标、记录方式、处理方式和主要应用领域,并指出眼动生理特征研究的不足之处。
关键词: 眼动; 眼动生理特征;眼动生理特征指标Abstract: Purpose/Significance Eye movement is an important physiological characteristic of the human body, and studying a persons eye movement physiological characteristics can reflect their psychological characteristics and behavioral tendencies. In the field of medical informatics, eye movement physiological feature measurement can also be used to diagnose diseases such as depression, help enrich medical big data, sort out the current research status of eye movement physiological features at home and abroad, and provide reference for future research and application of eye movement physiological features in medical and other fields. Methods/Procedures Combining bibliometrics and literature review methods, summarize the current status of quantitative research on eye movement physiological characteristics. Results/Conclusions Summarize the commonly used indicators, recording methods, processing methods, and main application areas in the study of eye movement physiological characteristics, and point out the shortcomings of eye movement physiological characteristic research.
Key words: Eye movement experiment;Eye movement physiological characteristics; Eye movement physiological characteristics index.提交时间:2024-12-30
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2024-05-21 bmr.202412.00079V1
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