• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 徐璐, xul@pumch.cn

Research and thinking on self-printing behavior characteristics of outpatient and emergency electronic medical record patients in a large grade A hospital

Corresponding author: xulu, xul@pumch.cn
  • 摘要:目的:研究某大型三甲医院门急诊电子病历患者自助打印行为特征,探讨门急诊就诊服务流程优化思路。方法:基于某大型三甲医院2020年1月-2021年6月期间门急诊电子病历患者自助打印数据,对不同人群病历自助打印率进行统计。不同人群病历自助打印率的计算及排序等采用描述性研究,不同人群病历自助打印率的比较采用卡方分析。结果:60岁以上的老年患者电子病历自助打印率为26.38%,显著低于其他年龄群体平均自助打印率32.9%;现居住地分布中,北京本地就诊患者自助打印率为30.73%,显著低于京外患者自助打印率33.98%;门诊患者自助打印率32.77%,显著高于急诊患者自助打印率19.06%;医保患者自助打印率为28%,显著低于非医保患者自助打印率30.4%。结论:患者电子病历自助打印受到年龄、门急诊就诊类型、患者现居住地、医保费用类别等因素影响。门急诊电子病历打印服务优化可参照上述因素进行针对性调整,同时应注意关注数字鸿沟,协助老年患者使用医院的各项信息服务,享受信息建设带来的便利。未来,随着患者电子病历共享在医院之间、医院与保险机构之间的不断推进,电子病历自助打印率越来越低可能会成为行业的目标!

    关键词: 电子病历,自助打印,医疗流程


    Abstract: Abstract Objective: To study the self-printing behavior characteristics of patients with outpatient and emergency electronic medical records in a large grade A hospital, and to explore the optimization of outpatient and emergency service process. Methods: Based on the self-printing data of patients with outpatient and emergency electronic medical records from January 2020 to June 2021 in a large grade-A hospital, the self-printing rate of medical records of different groups was statistically analyzed. Descriptive study was used to calculate and rank the self-help printing rate of medical records of different groups, and Chi-square analysis was used to compare the self-help printing rate of medical records of different groups. Results: The self-help printing rate of electronic medical records of elderly patients over 60 years old was 26.38%, significantly lower than the average self-help printing rate of other age groups 32.9%; Among the current residence distribution, the self-printing rate of local patients in Beijing was 30.73%, significantly lower than 33.98% of patients outside Beijing. The self-help printing rate of out-patients was 32.77%, significantly higher than 19.06% of emergency patients. The self-printing rate of insured patients was 28%, significantly lower than that of non-insured patients (30.4%). Conclusion: The self-help printing of patients electronic medical records is affected by age, outpatient and emergency treatment types, patients current residence, medical insurance costs and other factors. The optimization of outpatient and emergency electronic medical record printing service can be adjusted according to the above factors. Meanwhile, attention should be paid to the digital divide to assist elderly patients to use various information services of the hospital and enjoy the convenience brought by information construction. In the future, with the continuous promotion of sharing of patient electronic medical records between hospitals and between hospitals and insurance institutions, the self-printing rate of electronic medical records may become the target of the industry.

    Key words: Electronic medical record,Self-service printing,Medical process


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-09-09


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徐璐. 某大型三甲医院门急诊电子病历患者自助打印行为特征研究及思考. 2021. biomedRxiv.202109.00008


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