白云先, 杨恩发, 温灵芝, 黄建平. 基于数据挖掘探析叶天士治内风用药规律. 2024. biomedRxiv.202412.00020
通讯作者: 黄建平, dr.hjp@163.com
An Examination of Ye Tianshis Therapeutic Approaches to Internal Wind Utilizing Data Mining Techniques.
Corresponding author: Huang Jianping, dr.hjp@163.com
摘要:目的 探析叶天士治内风的用药规律及学术思想。方法 检索《临证指南医案》中风篇、肝风篇、眩晕篇、头风篇、虚劳篇、肝火篇、不寐篇、痉厥篇、癫痫篇、头痛篇有关医案,使用Excel统计医案中证候要素、证候要素靶位、中药频次、性味、归经,处方规律采用IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0、IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0进行关联规则和高频药物聚类分析。结果 本研究纳入167篇医案,提取证候要素241个、证候要素靶位333个;包含183首处方,涉及到132味药物,药物总频次1309次。高频中药前5位依次是生地黄、茯神、阿胶、茯苓、熟地黄;药性以寒性最多,其次是温、平;药味以甘性最多,其次是苦、温;归经前5依次是肝、肾、肺、心、脾。药物关联规则分析得到14项,高频药物聚类得到9类。结论 叶天士治内风紧扣“阳化内风”思想,以育阴养血为主,兼以辛甘化风、潜阳息风、平肝息风、培土制木、清热泄火、益气实卫、养心安神等,调和脏腑经络,平息内风。
Abstract: Objective: This study aims to investigate the medication patterns and theoretical perspectives of Ye Tianshi in the treatment of internal wind. Methods: A comprehensive search was conducted for medical cases pertaining to internal wind, liver wind, dizziness, head wind, deficiency labor, liver fire, insomnia, convulsions, epilepsy, and headache within the Clinical Guidelines Medical Cases database. Statistical analysis of symptom elements, target locations of symptom elements, frequency of Chinese medicinal substances, their properties, and meridian affiliations was performed using Excel. Prescription patterns were further analyzed through association rules and high-frequency drug clustering using IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0 and IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0. Results: The study included a total of 167 medical cases, from which 241 symptom elements and 333 target locations were extracted. A total of 183 prescriptions were analyzed, comprising 132 medicinal substances with an overall frequency of 1309 occurrences. The f
Key words: Ye Tianshi; Clinical Guidelines and Medical Cases; Data Mining; Internal Wind; Medication Patterns.提交时间:2024-12-06
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2024-11-11 bmr.202412.00020V1
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