• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 杨颖, yingyang80@126.com

Analysis of the Procedure of Realization AND the Significance of Bi-Clustering in Medical Text Mining

Corresponding author: Yang Ying, yingyang80@126.com
  • 摘要:目的:探索双向聚类方法在医学文本挖掘中的实现过程及应用意义,以期促进双聚类在数据挖掘中广泛应用开展。方法:介绍双聚类的概念和基本原理,梳理国内外双聚类发展的状况。列举双聚类的使用工具和方法,并通过案例展现双聚类在医学文本挖掘中的具体实现过程。结果:通过案例得出双向聚类方法在医学文本挖掘中的意义,最终提出双聚类的应用展望。结论:双向聚类在医学领域尤其是生物学领域具有广大发展前景,帮助医学科研人员有效地分析海量数据,并以更高的效率生成有价值的知识和新颖见解。

    关键词: 数据挖掘双聚类gClutoPubMR


    Abstract: Purpose: To the procedure of realization AND the significance of bi-clustering in medical text mining in order to promote the wide range of bi-clustering in medical data mining application development. Methods: By introducing the concept and basic principles of bi-clustering, the status of development at home and abroad is investigated. List the use of bi-clustering tools and methods, and show the specific implementation process of bi-clustering in data mining through cases. Results: Through the case, the significance of the bi-clustering method in medical text mining is obtained, and finally the application prospect of the bi-clustering is proposed. Conclusion: Bi-clustering has broad development prospects in the field of medicine, especially in the field of biology, helping medical researchers to effectively analyze massive amounts of data and generate valuable knowledge and novel insights with higher efficiency.

    Key words: Text Mining; Bi-Clustering; gCLUTO; PubMR


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2020-12-15


  • 公开评论  匿名评论  仅发给作者


杨颖, 李子政, 曹姝, 崔雷. 双向聚类方法在医学文本挖掘中的实现过程及应用意义. 2020. biomedRxiv.202012.00003


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