章璐璐, 胡欣欣, 高楚楚, 朱雪梅, 潘伊伊. 基于真实世界数据挖掘分析治疗月经病冲任失调证的用药规律. 2024. biomedRxiv.202412.00026
通讯作者: 胡欣欣, sunny-hxx@163.com
Analysis of Medication Patterns for Treating Menstrual Disorders with Chong and Ren Disharmony Based on Real-World Data Mining
Corresponding author: HU Xinxin, sunny-hxx@163.com
摘要:摘要目的 基于真实世界数据挖掘技术分析温州市中医院妇科马大正团队治疗月经病冲任失调证的用药规律,为临床治疗此类疾病提供参考。方法 收集2023年10月至2024年3月温州市中医院妇科门诊的病案资料,基于“中医传承计算平台(V3.0)”建立数据库,运用频数统计、关联规则分析、聚类分析等数据挖掘方法分析中医药治疗月经病冲任失调证用药规律。结果 共收录有效医案9003例,处方9003首,涉及中药410味,频次排名前5位的中药分别是当归、菟丝子、醋香附、续断、丹参;用药种类位于前3位的是补虚药、活血化瘀药和清热药;四气频次最高的是温和寒;五味频次最高的是苦和甘;归经以肝、脾经为主。由关联分析得出以“菟丝子、枸杞子、当归、续断、醋香附”为核心的药物配伍组方。聚类分析后得出类Ⅰ为:菟丝子,当归,醋香附,续断,鸡血藤,枸杞子;类Ⅱ为:柴胡,当归,茯苓,炒白芍,麸炒白术,蒲公英;类Ⅲ为:生地黄,当归,丹参,续断,茯苓,醋香附;类Ⅳ为:茯苓,当归,陈皮,丹参,麸炒白术,川芎;类Ⅴ为:甘草片,蒲公英,大血藤,小蓟,大蓟,麸炒椿皮的5组有效类方群。结论 温州市中医院妇科马大正团队治疗月经病任冲失调证,善用补虚、活血、清热之药,注重肝、脾、肾的平衡,用药兼顾表本、缓而不竣、寒温并用、相制相成。
Abstract: Abstract: Objective This study employs real-world data mining techniques to analyze the medication patterns used by the Obstetrics and Gynecology team led by Ma Dazheng at Wenzhou TCM Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University for treating menstrual disorders with Chong and Ren dysfunction, offering valuable insights for clinical practice.. Methods Patient case data from the gynecology outpatient department of Wenzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital were collected from October 2023 to March 2024. A database was established based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Computer System (V3.0), and various data mining methods, including frequency statistics, association rule analysis, and cluster analysis, were employed to analyze the medication patterns in Traditional Chinese Medicine for treating menstrual disorders with Chong and Ren disharmony. Results A total of 9,003 valid medical cases and prescriptions were collected, involving 410 Chinese medicinal herbs. The top five herbs by frequency were Angelica sinensis, Cuscuta chinensis, Vinegar-processed Cyperus rotundus, Dipsacus asperoides, and Salvia miltiorrhiza. The most common categories of medication were tonifying herbs, blood-activating and stasis-resolving herbs, and heat-clearing herbs. The four qi distribution of medicinals was warm and cold, while the most frequent flavors were bitter and sweet. The meridians primarily involved were the liver and spleen. Association analysis revealed a core combination of herbs including Cuscuta chinensis, Lycium barbarum, Angelica sinensis, Dipsacus asperoides, and Vinegar-processed Cyperus rotundus. After cluster analysis, five effective groups were identified: Class I included Cuscuta chinensis, Angelica sinensis, Vinegar-processed Cyperus rotundus, Dipsacus asperoides, Caulis Spatholobus, and Lycium barbarum; Class II included Chaihu, Angelica sinensis, Poria, fried white peony root, fried Atractylodes macrocephala, and dandelion; Class III included raw Rehmannia, Angelica sinensis, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Dipsacus asperoides, Poria, and Vinegar-processed Cyperus rotundus; Class IV included Poria, Angelica sinensis, dried tangerine peel, Salvia miltiorrhiza, fried Atractylodes macrocephala, and Chuanxiong; Class V included licorice tablets, dandelion, Caulis Spatholobus, small thistle, large thistle, and fried mulberry bark. Conclusion The Obstetrics and Gynecology team led by Ma Dazheng at Wenzhou TCM Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University employs a treatment approach for menstrual disorders with Ren and Chong dysfunction that emphasizes the use of tonifying, invigorating blood, and heat-clearing medications, while focusing on the balance of the liver, spleen, and kidneys. Their prescribing strategy considers both superficial and underlying conditions, employs a gradual rather than abrupt approach, integrates both cold and warm remedies, and ensures mutual reinforcement and restriction among the treatments
Key words: Menstrual disorders; Irregular menstruation; Chong and Ren disharmony; Ma Dazheng; Chinese medicine; Medication rule; Real world; Data mining提交时间:2024-12-09
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2024-11-13 bmr.202412.00026V1
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