• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 杨华凤, 13913832172@126.com

Research status, ethical issues and governance strategies of health informatics in China -- a survey of empirical investigation papers of health informatics in recent five years

Corresponding author: Yang Huafeng, 13913832172@126.com
  • 摘要:探究健康信息学研究现状与伦理规范问题。以生命医学领域的伦理规范文件为分析框架,调查239篇健康信息学期刊论文,总结研究现状,揭示伦理规范问题。健康信息学研究可以采取识别与生命医学的交叉领域、提高研究准入门槛、明确伦理审查判断原则、确保伦理审查要素完整、呼吁学术共同体参与等伦理治理策略。

    关键词: 健康信息学 研究现状 伦理规范 伦理治理


    Abstract: Explore the current situation and ethical norms of health informatics research. Based on the ethics documents of life science and medical science, it summarizes the current research situation and reveals the ethical norms through analyzing 239 papers. Health informatics research can adopt ethical governance strategies such as identifying the cross fields of life science and medical science, raising the threshold of research access, clarifying the judgment scale of ethical review, ensuring the integrity of ethical review elements, and calling on the academic community to participate in ethical governance.

    Key words: Health Informatics Research Status Ethical Norms Ethical Governance


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2022-07-30


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朱志鹏, 杨华凤. 我国健康信息学研究现状、伦理规范问题与治理策略——以近五年实证调查类健康信息学主题期刊论文为调查对象. 2022. biomedRxiv.202210.00007


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