• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 孟庆跃, qmeng@bjmu.edu.cn

Analysis on the status quo of human resource in health policy and systems research in China

Corresponding author: MENG Qing-yue, qmeng@bjmu.edu.cn
  • 摘要:目的:描述我国卫生政策与体系研究领域人力资源现状,分析存在的挑战,为促进研究能力提高提供建议。方法:通过问卷调查和关键人物深度访谈,从研究人员数量、分布、结构,人员可持续性和机构管理机制等方面对我国卫生政策与体系研究领域人力资源现状进行分析。结果:调查的研究机构共有研究人员1033人,平均每个机构27.18人。正高/副高级、中级和初级职称占比分别为50.72%、36.59%和12.69%;博士、硕士和本科学历研究人员占比分别为50.92%、41.13%和7.95%。主要的学科背景为公共卫生、管理学、经济学等。研究机构中,97.37%和86.84%分别在招募和留住人员方面存在挑战。超过70%的研究机构认为工资和福利水平缺乏竞争力为招募和留住人员的阻碍因素。评价机制方面,按重要性评分,中英文文章、项目级别因素得分最高,分别为4.60分和4.47分。能力发展中,94.74%存在能力发展机制。合作交流方面,全部机构曾与国内研究机构开展合作,86.84%曾与国外研究机构开展合作。结论:我国卫生政策与体系研究领域已经形成一定规模的研究队伍,但学历结构有待优化。大部分研究机构在人员可持续性方面存在挑战,工资和福利水平缺乏竞争力是主要阻碍因素。机构管理机制方面,能力发展和合作交流方面相对完善,但评价机制对于成果政策价值的关注不够。

    关键词: 卫生政策卫生体系人力资源可持续性管理机制


    Abstract: Objective: To describe human resources of health policy and systems research (HPSR) in China, analyze existing challenges, and provide suggestions for promoting the development of HPSR capacity in China. Methods: Questionnaire and in-depth interviews were used to collect data. We analyzed the current status of human resources of HPSR in China from the aspects of the size, distribution, structure, personnel sustainability and researcher management mechanism. Results: There were in total 1,033 researchers in the research institutions surveyed, with an average of 27.18 per institution. The proportion of senior, mid-career and junior professional titles were 50.72%, 36.59% and 12.69% respectively. The proportion of researchers with doctor degree, master degree and bachelor degree were 50.92%, 41.13% and 7.95%, respectively. The main disciplines of researchers are public health, management, economics etc. 97.37% and 86.84% of research institutions faced challenges in recruiting and retaining researchers, respectively. Over 70% of surveyed institutes stated that lack of competitiveness in salary or welfare levels was the main barrier in recruiting and retaining researchers. In terms of the appraisal mechanism, publications on international peer reviewed journals and high-level of research projects ranked the first and second important factors, with a score of 4.60 and 4.47, respectively. 94.74% of the survey institutes have established capacity development mechanisms for HPSR faculties. All institutions in our survey have experiences of cooperating with domestic research institutions, and 86.84% of them have cooperated with international research institutions. Conclusion: The amount of HPSR researchers has reached a certain scale, but the structure of education remains to be optimized. Most research institutions face challenges in the sustainability of their researchers, with the lack of competitiveness in wages and benefits being a major obstacle. In terms of institutional management mechanism, the capacity development and cooperation and exchange are relatively complete and the appraisal mechanism pays insufficient attention to the policy value of research output.

    Key words: Health policy; Health systems; Human resource; Sustainability; Management mechanism


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2020-06-09


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加焱冰, 石振宇, 何平, 孟庆跃. 我国卫生政策与体系研究人力资源现状分析. 2020. biomedRxiv.202006.00008


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