孟庆跃. 卫生政策与体系研究能力述评. 2020. biomedRxiv.202006.00009
通讯作者: 孟庆跃, qmeng@bjmu.edu.cn
An overview of health policy and systems research capacity in China
Corresponding author: MENG Qing-yue, qmeng@bjmu.edu.cn
Abstract: In implementing the Healthy China Strategy, demand for health policy and systems research (HPSR) will increase. HPSR capacity is crucial for generating evidence for sound policy making. HPSR capacity is usually analyzed from the dimensions of individuals, institutions, and the environment. Research capacity in developing countries is strengthened mainly through short-term training and degree education and attracting and retaining high-quality talents with good incentives. Using HPSR networks is also an important measure to improve the HPSR capacity. In addition, the support environment, including financial support and evidence-based decision-making culture, provides a foundation for HPSR capacity. HPSR capacity has been strengthened in China. The number of researchers has reached a certain scale, the overall research funding was on the rise, institutions has produced stable research outputs, and the evidence-based decision-making culture was also improved. However, China’s HPSR capacity needs to be further strengthened to meet the increasing demand. In addition, China’s HPSR capacity is much behind that in developed countries. Gaps of HPSR capacity between different regions need to be closed and translation of HPSR into practice needs to be improved by recognizing the value of HPSR for policy contributions.
Key words: Health Policy; Health systems; Research capacity提交时间:2020-12-15
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2020-06-09 bmr.202006.00009V1
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