• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 何平, phe@pku.edu.cn

Analysis on the status quo of research project and funding in health policy and systems research in China

Corresponding author: HE ping, phe@pku.edu.cn
  • 摘要:目的:描述我国卫生政策与体系研究领域科研项目及科研经费现状,分析存在的挑战,为促进研究能力提高提供建议。方法:通过问卷调查和关键人物深度访谈,从科研项目数量及分布、主题情况情况、经费数量与分布、经费来源以及财务管理机制等方面对研究机构科研经费项目及经费现状进行分析。通过公开资料梳理,从项目数量与分布、主题情况分布等方面对国家自然科学基金的资助情况进行分析。结果:2015-2017年平均每个机构每年开展科研项目数量为26.25项,主要的研究主题为卫生筹资,服务提供,卫生人力等。2015-2017年平均每个机构每年的科研经费为529.00万元,最少的为10.00万元,最多的为6 901.90万元,中位数为273.33万元。63.16%的研究机构来自国内的经费资助多于来自国际的经费资助,政府来源经费占全部经费比例为44.23%。财务管理方面,科研经费通常由上一级机构的财务管理部门通过预决算机制进行管理。国家自然科学基金方面,2008-2017年,共有116家机构获得过资助,平均每家机构所获得的项目数为4.81项,平均每个机构所获得资助金额为169.06万元,其主要的研究主题为卫生服务提供相关主题。。结论:我国卫生政策与体系研究科研项目数量及经费快速增长,但科研项目及经费主要集中于发达地区的研究机构,存在地区不平衡现象。来源方面,国际资助呈现下降趋势,国内来源占比越来越高。管理机制方面,经费管理机制在逐步调整,但不同机构落实方面存在差异。

    关键词: 卫生政策卫生体系科研经费管理机制


    Abstract: Objective: To describe research project and funding of health policy and systems research (HPSR), analyze the existing challenges, and provide suggestions for promoting the development of HPSR capacity in China. Methods: Questionnaire, in-depth interview and public data collation were used to collect data. We analyzed the current status of research project and finding of HPSR research institutions from the aspects of the quantity, distribution, topics of research projects, quantity, distribution and sources of fuinding and funding management mechanism. We also analyzed the funding of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in HPSR form the aspects of quantity, topics and and distribution. Results: The average annual research funding of each surveyed HPSR research institution from 2015 to 2017 was 5.29 million yuan, with the minimum of 100,000 yuan, the maximum of 6.019 million yuan, and the median of 2.7333 million yuan. The average annual number of research projects carried out by each research institution from 2015 to 2017 was 26.25, and the main topics of research projects were health financing, service delivery and health workforce. 63.16% of research institutions received more domestic funding than international funding, and 44.23% of the total research funding was from government. Research funding of the institutions are usually managed by the financial management departments of the institutions at the next higher level through the budget and final accounts mechanism. As for the National Natural Science Foundation of China, from 2008 to 2017, a total of 116 institutions received funding, with an average number of 4.81 projects for each institution and an average amount of 1.6906 million yuan for each institution. And the main topic of research projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China was health service delivery. Conclusion: HPSR research projects and funding in China grew rapidly in the past decade, but the research projects and funding wereas mainly concentrated in research institutions in developed regions. International funding for HPSR research showed a downward trend in China, resulting in an increasing proportion in domestic funding. While the funding management regulations gradually adjusted according to the HPSR research characteristics, there were still differences in implementing such adjusted regulations among different institutions.

    Key words: Health policy; Health systems; Research funding; Management regulation


  • 图表

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    1 2020-06-09


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加焱冰, 石振宇, 袁蓓蓓, 徐进, 孟庆跃, 何平. 我国卫生政策与体系研究科研项目及经费现状分析. 2020. biomedRxiv.202006.00010


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