• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 邱五七, qiu.wuqi@imicams.ac.cn

Discussion on medical informatics talent training in China

Corresponding author: qiuwuqi, qiu.wuqi@imicams.ac.cn
  • 摘要:我国医学信息学学科发展起步于20世纪80年代,目前已经历了四十多年的发展。人才培养是学科发展的重要内容,本文对我国医学信息学人才培养现状与问题进行分析,我国目前医学信息学学科人才培养以本科教育为基础,部分高校开展研究生教育但数量较少,专科和继续教育为补充。存在主要问题包括:学科教育重视程度不足难以满足需求;学科定位不统一,授课方向不明确;缺乏对创新型应用型人才的培养;学科师资队伍专业素质有待加强。在未来的学科人才培养过程中,应加大研究生教育力度、培养高层次人才;明确培养目标、转变人才培养模式;构建合理的课程体系、注重创新与实践能力的培养;提升教师职业素养、重视继续教育等。

    关键词: 医学信息学;人才培养;现状;问题与建议


    Abstract: The development of medical informatics in China started in the 1980s and has experienced more than 40 years of development.Talent training ?is an important part of discipline development.This paper analyzes the current situation and problems of medical informatics talent training in Chin.At present, the training of medical informatics talents in China is based on undergraduate education, while some universities carry out postgraduate education but the number is small, supplemented by junior college education and continuing education. The main problems include: insufficient attention to subject education to meet the needs; Subject positioning is not unified,teaching direction is not clear;Lack of training of innovative application-oriented talents; The professional quality of the discipline teaching staff needs to be strengthened. In the future, it is necessary to strengthen postgraduate education and cultivate high-level talents;Make clear the training target and change the talent training mode; Construct a reasonable curriculum system, pay attention to the cultivation of innovation and practical ability; Improve teachers professional quality and attach importance to continuing education.

    Key words: Medical informatics; talent training; Current situation,problems and suggestions


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2022-06-29


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李艳玲, 邱五七, 田荣, 孙红燕, 王曦, 李晓萌. 我国医学信息学人才培养探讨. 2022. biomedRxiv.202210.00005




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