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通讯作者: 向川, xiangchuan@ruc.edu.cn
Functional Governance of Pharmacy in Chronic Disease Management System: Theoretical Framework and Path Explanation
Corresponding author: Xiang Chuan, xiangchuan@ruc.edu.cn
Abstract: Chronic disease management is an important element in the strategy of “Healthy China”, and the role of pharmacies in chronic disease prevention and treatment has been increasingly recognized. However, there are still differences in the understanding of the function of pharmacies in the chronic disease management system among various circles in China, and it is imperative to enhance the synergistic governance of multiple subjects such as the government, healthcare institutions and pharmacies in the management of chronic diseases. It is found that the theory and practice of chronic disease management system have made great progress in the international arena, and the representative theories include CCM, ICCC and other theoretical models, and the representative practices include community pharmacy management model, pharmacy service expansion model, and pharmacy health management model. The participation of pharmacies in chronic disease management in China has been continuously improved in terms of policy impleme
Key words: Chronic Disease Management; Pharmacy; Governance; Collaboration提交时间:2025-02-24
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2024-10-17 bmr.202502.00053V1
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