黄天凤. 老年慢病共病模式及管理策略研究现状. 2025. biomedRxiv.202501.00080
通讯作者: 黄天凤, 2648159693@qq.com
Research Status of the Elderly Chronic Disease Comorbidity Model and Management Strategies
关键词: 老年人 慢性病 共病模式 管理策略Abstract: With the development of Chinas social economy and the continuous improvement of health conditions, Chinas average life expectancy has been extended to 78.1 years old, and the problem of population aging is becoming increasingly serious. Many studies have pointed out that the prevalence of chronic diseases is proportional to age, and the coexistence of multiple diseases is common in the elderly population. Many diseases in the elderly will lead to increased family economic burden, medical treatment and care difficulties, seriously disturbing their physical and mental health, and reduce the quality of life. The study of chronic disease comorbidity model and its management strategy provides an effective solution to the health care problem of the elderly population. In this paper, we review the research progress on the identification methods and management strategies of different comorbidity modes of senile chronic disease patients in accordance with the International Systematic Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) in recent years, and analyze their advantages and disadvantages, so as to provide scientific basis for exploring a more suitable management mode for senile chronic disease patients in China.
Key words: The Elderly;Chronic disease;Comorbidity model;Management strategy提交时间:2025-01-26
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2024-12-18 bmr.202501.00080V1
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