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  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 王晓燕, yzrx66@163.com

Exploring the Medication Patterns of Pediatric Night Cough Treatment Based on the Shaoyang Pivot Theory through Data Mining

Corresponding author: WANG Xiaoyan, yzrx66@163.com
  • 摘要:目的 探讨王晓燕教授基于“少阳为枢”理论治疗小儿夜咳的用药规律。方法 纳入符合标准的189例夜咳患儿病案(含224首处方),应用中医传承辅助平台分析疾病时辰分布、证候类型及药物四气五味归经等。运用频次统计、关联规则分析及聚类分析提炼用药规律。结果 研究发现:①咳嗽时辰以寅时发作者最高(41.2%);②证候类型以少阳兼证为主(少阳兼痰饮27.2%、少阳兼食滞23.2%、少阳兼气虚18.8%、少阳兼阴虚18.3%、少阳兼痰热12.5%);③高频核心药物为柴胡、黄芩、半夏等17味,组方特征为小柴胡汤去人参、生姜、大枣,加五味子、当归;④随证配伍用药:合并痰饮证加入麻杏二三汤,食滞证加曲麦二陈汤,气虚证合四君子汤,阴虚证伍麦味地黄汤,痰热证配苇茎汤。结论 王教授以调和少阳枢机为基本治则,根据兼夹病机灵活化裁经方,形成了基于“少阳为枢”理论的夜咳辨治体系,具有鲜明的临床特色。

    关键词: 夜咳数据挖掘少阳理论名医经验王晓燕


    Abstract: Objective To explore the drug use rules of Professor Wang Xiaoyans treatment of pediatric night cough based on the Shaoyang as the axis theory. Methods 189 cases of night cough patients (including 224 prescriptions) were included, and the disease time distribution, syndrome type, and drug four qi five flavors were analyzed using the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance auxiliary platform. Frequency statistics, association rule analysis, and cluster analysis were used to extract the drug use rules. Results The study found: ① The cough time was highest at 3-5 am (41.2%); ② The syndrome type was mainly Shaoyang syndrome (Shaoyang syndrome with phlegm and drink 27.2%, Shaoyang syndrome with food stagnation 23.2%, Shaoyang syndrome with qi deficiency 18.8%, Shaoyang syndrome with yin deficiency 18.3%, Shaoyang syndrome with phlegm and heat 12.5%); ③ The high-frequency core drugs were Chai Hu, Huang Qin, and Ban Xia, etc. 17 flavors, the prescription characteristics were Xiao Chai Hu Tang without Ren Shen, Sheng Jiang, and Da Zao, and added Wu Wei Zi and Dang Gui; ④ The drugs were used flexibly according to the syndromes: Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang was added to the phlegm and drink syndrome, Qi Ju Di Tan Tang was added to the food stagnation syndrome, Si Jun Zi Tang was added to the qi deficiency syndrome, Mai Wei Di Huang Tang was added to the yin deficiency syndrome, and Wei Jing Tang was added to the phlegm and heat syndrome. Conclusion Professor Wangs treatment is based on the basic principle of harmonizing Shaoyang, and according to the disease mechanism, the classical prescription is flexibly used, forming a night cough treatment system based on the Shaoyang as the axis theory, with distinct clinical characteristics.

    Key words: Night cough; Data mining; Shaoyang theory; Experience of renowned doctors; Wang Xiaoyan


  • 图表

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    1 2025-01-22


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