• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 赵敏, 23712724@qq.com

Study on the Compliance of Research Funding Utilization in Public Hospitals

Corresponding author: zhaomin, 23712724@qq.com
  • 摘要:本文立足于对公立医院科研资金管理现状及内部控制环境的分析,通过识别公立医院科研资金使用过程中的风险点,同时选取C医院为研究对象,针对性地提出提高公立医院科研资金使用合规性的对策建议,探索从实践应用层面提出优化措施与建议,为公立医院提高科研资金的高效、合规使用提供参考借鉴。

    关键词: 公立医院、科研资金、风险点、合规性


    Abstract: This article is based on an analysis of the current status of scientific research funding management and the internal control environment in public hospitals. By identifying risk points in the process of utilizing scientific research funds in public hospitals, and selecting Hospital C as the research subject, this article specifically proposes countermeasures and suggestions to enhance the compliance of scientific research fund utilization in public hospitals. It explores optimization measures and recommendations from the practical application perspective, providing a reference for public hospitals to improve the efficient and compliant use of scientific research funds.

    Key words: public hospitals; research funding; risk Points; compliance


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2024-12-03


  • 公开评论  匿名评论  仅发给作者


周月, 赵敏. 公立医院科研资金使用合规性研究与实践. 2025. biomedRxiv.202501.00081


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