郑浩渠, 郭 丹, 邓锦东, 刘 辰. 基于DEA-Tobit模型的珠三角公立医院运营效率及影响因素研究. 2024. biomedRxiv.202410.00031
通讯作者: 刘 辰, dora0628@126.com
Research on the operational efficiency and influencing factors of public hospitals in the Pearl River Delta region based on DEA-Tobit model
Corresponding author: Liuchen, dora0628@126.com
摘要:目的 分析珠三角地区公立医院运营效率及其影响因素,为卫生行政部门优化医疗资源配置,提高医院运营效率提供参考依据。 方法 应用DEA-BCC模型和Malmquist指数模型对珠三角公立医院运营效率进行静态和动态分析,运用面板Tobit回归模型探究影响运营效率的因素。 结果 在珠三角地区,公立医院的综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效率的平均值分别为0.937、0.966和0.969。只有珠海市和中山市的公立医院达到DEA有效状态,占比22.2%。在2016至2021年期间,公立医院的全要素生产率指数平均值为0.992,下降了0.8%。公立医院的运营效率受总诊疗人次、住院次均费用、人均GDP和常住人口等因素的影响。 结论 珠三角公立医院整体运营效率较低,部分城市存在规模扩张较快和产出不足的问题,建议公立医院根据自身定位提高竞争力,加强内部精细化管理水平,重视技术水平的提高。
Abstract: Objective To examine the operational efficiency and influencing factors of public hospitals in the Pearl River Delta region, with the aim of offering insights for health administrations to enhance the allocation of health resources and optimize hospital operations. Methods The study analyzed the operational efficiency of public hospitals in the Pearl River Delta region using the DEA-BCC model and Malmquist index model in static and dynamic dimensions, respectively. The influencing factors of operational efficiency were examined through the panel Tobit regression model. Results The mean values of comprehensive efficiency, pure technical efficiency, and scale efficiency in public hospitals of the Pearl River Delta region were 0.937, 0.966, and 0.969, respectively. Only Zhuhai and Zhongshan have achieved DEA efficient status, accounting for 22.2% of the total. The mean value of the total factor productivity index for public hospitals during 2016-2021 was 0.992, indicating a slight decrease of 0.8%. Factors affecting the operational efficiency of public hospitals include the total number of consultations, per capita hospitalization cost, GDP per capita, and resident population. Conclusion The overall operational efficiency of public hospitals in the Pearl River Delta region is low, with problems of rapid expansion and inadequate performance in some cities. It is suggested that public hospitals enhance their competitiveness based on their positioning, enhance internal management through fine-tuning, and focus on improving technical skills.
Key words: Public hospitals; Operational efficiency; Influencing factors; Data envelopment analysis; Tobit regression提交时间:2024-10-12
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2024-09-27 bmr.202410.00031V1
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