• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 安新颖, n.xinying@imicams.ac.cn

Research Efficiency of Tertiary Hospitals in Shenzhen based on Stochastic Frontier Analysis Model

Corresponding author: anxinying, n.xinying@imicams.ac.cn
  • 摘要:为评价深圳市三级医院科研效率,促进医院科研高效发展。首先从投入和产出方面构建医院科研效率评价体系,其次运用主成分分析、随机前沿分析评价科研效率并分析主要影响因素。最后得出结论:深圳市三级医院科研效率平均是41.08%,大于平均值的医院有13家,小于平均值的医院有23家。建议从科研人员、医院条件、基金项目三个方面调整或制定相关政策以提升我国三级医院科研效率。

    关键词: 随机前沿分析;科研效率;三级医院;主成分分析


    Abstract: To evaluate the scientific research efficiency of tertiary hospitals in Shenzhen and promote the efficient development of hospital scientific research. Firstly, the evaluation system of hospital scientific research efficiency is constructed from the input and output aspects. Secondly, principal component analysis and stochastic frontier analysis are used to evaluate the scientific research efficiency and analyze the main influencing factors. Finally, it is concluded that the average scientific research efficiency of tertiary hospitals in Shenzhen is 41.08%, and there are 13 hospitals that are higher than the average and 23 hospitals that are lower than the average. It is suggested that relevant policies should be adjusted or formulated from the aspects of scientific research personnel, hospital conditions and fund projects to improve the scientific research efficiency of tertiary hospitals in China.

    Key words: Stochastic frontier analysis; Research efficiency; Tertiary hospital; Principal component analysis


  • 图表

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    1 2022-06-11


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