• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 吴秀春, holly311@126.com

Design and implementation of performance appraisal data monitoring system for tertiary public hospitals

Corresponding author: wuxiuchun, holly311@126.com
  • 摘要:目的:通过信息化手段,对我院三级公立医院绩效考核指标数据进行监测,并对国家反馈数据进行分析,为院领导、职能处室提供数据支撑和决策支持。方法:分析探讨三级公立医院绩效考核数据监测系统的开发需求、基本功能和运行成效。结果:自主设计开发的三级公立医院绩效考核数据监测系统,可以自动提取、整理三级公立医院绩效考核指标数据,并对指标数据进行院科两级、月季年三个时段的监测。通过将国家反馈数据导入到数据监测系统中,可以对各项反馈指标进行数据分析。结论:数据监测系统可以有效提高了数据提取效率、减轻职能部门整理汇总数据的负担,为三级公立医院绩效考核数据监测和指标上报提供了坚实的信息支撑。

    关键词: 三级公立医院绩效考核、绩效指标、数据监测


    Abstract: Objective: To monitor the performance appraisal index data of our tertiary public hospitals through information technology and analyze the national feedback data to provide data support and decision support for hospital leaders and functional departments. Methods: To analyze and discuss the development needs, basic functions and operational effectiveness of the performance appraisal data monitoring system for tertiary public hospitals. Results: The independently designed and developed performance appraisal data monitoring system for tertiary public hospitals can automatically extract and organize performance appraisal index data of tertiary public hospitals, and monitor the index data at the hospital and department levels and at three time periods of monthly, quarterly and yearly. By importing national feedback data into the data monitoring system, data analysis can be performed on each feedback indicator. Conclusion: The data monitoring system can effectively improve the efficiency of data extraction, reduce the burden of functional departments in organizing and summarizing data, and provide solid information support for performance appraisal data monitoring and indicator reporting of tertiary public hospitals.

    Key words: Tertiary public hospital performance appraisal、Performance indicators、Data monitoring


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-09-07


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崔金广, 吴秀春, 窦一峰, 蒙文涛, 杨洁. 三级公立医院绩效考核数据监测系统的设计与实现. 2021. biomedRxiv.202109.00018


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