李韬, 冯贺霞. 人工智能在医疗健康领域中的创新应用、风险挑战与治理对策. 2025. biomedRxiv.202501.00067
通讯作者: 冯贺霞, fenghexia2008@163.com
Innovative Applications, Risk Challenges, and Governance Countermeasures of Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry
Corresponding author: fenghexia, fenghexia2008@163.com
Abstract: This study provides a comprehensive examination of the innovative applications of artificial intelligence (AI) within the healthcare sector, encompassing areas such as health services, medical diagnostics, health management, and pharmaceutical development,. It further explores the multifaceted risk challenges posed by AI in healthcare, including issues related to data privacy and security, algorithmic bias, legal and regulatory constraints, technical reliability, and ethical dilemmas. To address these identified challenges, this paper proposes a series of governance countermeasures, which include establishing robust data protection frameworks, enhancing the technical reliability and fairness of AI systems, developing a globally coordinated multi-level regulatory structure, formulating standardized data protocols, unlocking the latent potential of healthcare data, and fostering a harmonious balance between technological innovation and humanistic care. These measures aim to maximize the potential benefits of AI technologies, realize the inherent value of healthcare data, and promote the sustainable, high-quality development of the healthcare industry.
Key words: artificial; intelligence, healthcare, digital; health, governance; countermeasures提交时间:2025-01-22
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2025-01-03 bmr.202501.00067V1
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