何培欣, 王明哲, 刘一逸, 姜雪. 社会学视角下健康领域智能治理的应用——以北京大学第三医院为例. 2023. biomedRxiv.202312.00019
通讯作者: 姜雪, jiagnxue@hsc.pku.edu.cn
Applications of intelligent governance in the health sector from sociological perspective: Take Peking University Third Hospital as an example
Corresponding author: jiang xue, jiagnxue@hsc.pku.edu.cn
Abstract: Objective/Significance To study the social impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) technology application in the medical field by real-world research. Methods/Process To analyze the trends, current situation and risk factors of AI application in Peking University Third Hospital by literature review, knowledge graph construction and mixed methodology research. Results/Conclusion The international academic community holds the cautious optimistic attitude of AI medical application. The development of AI technology in Chinese public hospitals is rapid and has great capacity. However, specific case study indicates potential risks such as misleadingness and undermining the subjectivity of human being. Long-term and wide-ranging sociological observation on the intelligent governance in the health field should be carried out through the country. Constructing medical AI technology research-development-supervision base in medical institutions and keep paying attention to the ethical issues are recommended.
Key words: Artificial intelligence; Social Experiment; Medical Institutions; Knowledge Graph; AI Social Governance提交时间:2023-12-12
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2023-08-03 bmr.202312.00019V1
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