• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 朱爱勇, zhuay@sumhs.edu.cn

A review of artificial intelligence technology in the screening of cognitive impairment

Corresponding author: ZhuAiyong, zhuay@sumhs.edu.cn
  • 摘要:目的/意义:通过对人工智能技术在老年认知症筛查中应用现状的分析,探讨其在提高早期诊断准确性和效率方面的潜力及面临的挑战。方法/过程:采用文献综述法,对人工智能在老年认知症筛查领域的关键技术以及应用场景进行整理与总结,分析目前应用的优点及局限性。结果/结论:现有研究存在对数据质量的依赖、算法的可解释性以及在不同医疗环境中的适应性等局限。提出增加跨学科合作,积累认知症相关数据,迭代人工智能模型,提高评估质量,促进新兴技术在社区和医疗机构的普及。。

    关键词: 人工智能;认知症;筛查;老年人;综述


    Abstract: Purpose/Significance: This study analyzes the current application of artificial intelligence technology in the screening of elderly cognitive impairment to explore its potential in improving the accuracy and efficiency of early diagnosis and the challenges it faces. Method/Process: Using a literature review method, this paper organizes and summarizes the key technologies and application scenarios of AI in the field of elderly cognitive impairment screening, analyzing the advantages and limitations of current applications. Result/Conclusion: Existing research has limitations such as dependence on data quality, the interpretability of algorithms, and adaptability in different medical environments. It is proposed to increase interdisciplinary cooperation, accumulate cognitive impairment-related data, iterate AI models, improve assessment quality, and promote the popularization of emerging technologies in communities and medical institutions.

    Key words: Artificial intelligence;Cognitive Impairment;Screening;Elderly People,;Review


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2024-04-04


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司唯, 徐婷, 林家玥, 曹文婷, 朱爱勇. 人工智能技术在老年认知症筛查中的应用现状. 2024. biomedRxiv.202407.00048


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