• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 张志林, 121051706@qq.com

Research status on the diagnosis and treatment of radiation dermatitis

Corresponding author: ZHANG Zhi-lin, 121051706@qq.com
  • 摘要:放射性皮炎(Radiation Dermatitis, RD)是放射治疗恶性肿瘤的常见不良反应之一,其在临床中的发生概率很高。身体质量指数、放疗技术、皮肤辐射敏感性、是否合并其他疾病、是否联合化疗以及癌肿类型均是影响放射性皮炎是否发生的危险因素。据统计,大约95%的癌症病人在接受放射治疗时均会出现不同严重程度的皮肤反应,包括皮肤干燥、灼热感、红斑、干性脱皮、湿性脱皮及溃疡等,其中,近50%的病人由于重度放射性皮炎而中断甚至停止了放射治疗,严重降低了患者的生活质量,影响了放疗方案的执行及治疗效果。因此临床医务工作者对放射性皮炎的明确诊断和及时防治是保证放疗方案顺利执行的重要环节。目前暂未提出针对防治放射性皮炎的具体标准,现综述近年对放射性皮炎的影响因素、诊断与防治的临床研究,旨在为临床工作提供理论依据。

    关键词: 放射性皮炎影响因素诊断护理防治。


    Abstract: Radiation dermatitis (RD) is one of the common adverse reactions of radiation therapy for malignant tumors, and its clinical occurrence probability is very high. Body mass index, radiation therapy technique, skin radiation sensitivity, presence of other comorbidities, combination of chemotherapy, and type of cancer are all risk factors for the development of radiation dermatitis. According to statistics, about 95% of cancer patients will have skin reactions of different severity when receiving radiotherapy, including dry skin, burning sensation, erythema, dry peeling, wet peeling and ulcers, among which, nearly 50% of patients have interrupted or even stopped radiotherapy due to severe radiation dermatitis, which seriously reduces the quality of life of patients and affects the implementation of radiotherapy regimen and treatment effect. Therefore, the clear diagnosis and timely prevention and treatment of radiation dermatitis by clinical medical workers is an important part of ensuring the smooth implementat

    Key words: Radiation dermatitis; Influencing factors; Diagnosis; Nursing; Prevention and cure.


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    1 2024-11-07


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高虹, 王亚杰, 秦慧敏, 张志林. 放射性皮炎的诊治研究现状. 2024. biomedRxiv.202412.00071


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