• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 张建同, zhangjiantong@tongji.edu.cn

Sentiment Analysis of Online Medical Reviews Based on BERT and Semantics Collaboration through Dual-channel

Corresponding author: ZHANG Jian-tong, zhangjiantong@tongji.edu.cn
  • 摘要:目的/意义 随着在线医疗平台迅速发展,患者评论日益积累。利用人工智能从海量评论中迅速甄别负面评论,对平台运营及医生管理都具有现实意义。方法/过程 以好大夫在线网站的评论为例,本文首先使用BERT生成词向量,随后将其输入CNN与BiLSTM双通道中,最后通过特征融合策略获取文本情感信息以实现二分类任务。结果/结论 实验表明:本文提出的双通道模型能够较好地融合BiLSTM与CNN的优点,与BERT、BERT_BiLSTM、BERT_CNN等9种模型相比,分类准确率、宏F1分数最高,体现了该模型在在线医疗评论文本情感分类任务上的有效性。

    关键词: BERT;卷积神经网络;长短期记忆网络;在线医疗评论;情感分类;双通道模型


    Abstract: Purpose/significance With the rapid development of online healthcare platforms, numerous patient feedback has been amassed. Leveraging artificial intelligence to ac-curately discern the sentiment polarity from the vast corpus of comments and swiftly identifying negative feedback holds significant practical implications for hospital op-erations and physician managements. Method/process Taking comments from Haodf.com as an example, this paper first uses BERT to generate word embeddings, which are then fed into a convolutional layer and a BiLSTM network in a du-al-channel manner. Finally, a feature fusion strategy is employed to obtain textual sen-timent information to achieve a binary classification task. Result/conclusion The ex-perimental results demonstrate that the proposed dual-channel model based on BERT can better integrate the advantages of CNN and BiLSTM. It achieves the highest clas-sification accuracy and macro F1-score compared to other 9 models, including BERT, BERT_CNN and BERT_BiLSTM, which highlights the effectiveness of the proposed model in sentiment classification tasks for online medical review.

    Key words: BERT; CNN; BiLSTM; online medical reviews; sentiment classification; dual-channel


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2024-02-12


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张雯, 张建同, 郭雨姗. 基于BERT和双通道语义协同的在线医疗评论情感分析. 2024. biomedRxiv.202407.00042


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