• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 谢金平, 15151870834@163.com

Analysis of the European Unions Orphan Drug Designation Policy and Its Enlightenment to China

Corresponding author: xiejinping, 15151870834@163.com
  • 摘要:目的:为我国孤儿药资格认定和管理、后续激励政策的制定提供相关参考。方法:结合文献研究、数据分析(2000年至2020年欧盟孤儿药资格认定审批数据)等方法,对欧盟孤儿药资格认定流程及政策实施效果开展分析和研究。结果与结论:欧盟孤儿药资格认定程序大致由提交前会议阶段、申请阶段、验证程序以及评估并形成最终建议阶段等四个环节组成,2000年至2020年的20年间,欧盟共受理了3678件孤儿药资格认定申请,其中2399件由孤儿药委员会(COMP)给予了积极意见,1047件已撤销,2379件由欧盟委员会(EC)认定,最终共有190件孤儿药上市申请获得授权批准。建议我国在明确罕见病及孤儿药概念界定的基础上,建立孤儿药资格认定机制,对罕见病及孤儿药均实施目录管理,为罕见病患者用药提供法律依据;成立罕见病相关数据库,与国际罕见病网络接轨,助力孤儿药研发,形成全球罕见病诊疗、药品保障共同体。

    关键词: 罕见病;孤儿药;资格认定;政策分析;启示


    Abstract: objective:To provide reference for the designation and management of rare diseases and orphan drugs and the follow-up incentive policies in China. Methods: Combined with literature research and data analysis (2000-2020 EU orphan drug designation and approval data), the EU orphan drug designation process and policy implementation effects were analyzed and studied. Result and Conclusions: The EU orphan drug designation process is roughly composed of four stages: the pre-submission meeting stage, the submission stage, the validation stage, as well as the evaluation and opinion stage. In the 20 years from 2000 to 2020, the EU accepted a total of 3678 cases of the applications for orphan drug designation, 2,399 were approved by the Orphan Drug Committee (COMP), 1,047 were withdrawn, and 2,379 were identified by the European Commission (EC). Finally, a total of 190 orphan drugs were approved for marketing. It is suggested that on the basis of defining the concept of rare diseases and orphan drugs,we should establish designation mechanism for orphan drugs, and realize the dual catalog management of rare diseases and orphan drugs, to provide legal basis for the medication of patients with rare diseases; establish a database related to rare diseases, and cooperate with international rare disease network, assisting the research and development of orphan drugs, and forming a global rare disease diagnosis and orphan drugs security community.

    Key words: Rare diseases; Orphan drugs; Designation; Policy analysis; Enlightenment


  • 图表

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    1 2022-03-29


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王苑如, 胡紫馨, 谢金平, 邵蓉. 欧盟罕见病药物资格认定管理政策分析及启示. 2022. biomedRxiv.202207.00031


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