• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 颜建周, cpuqqyan@163.com

Text Quantitative Analysis of Pediatric Drug Security policy-- A two-dimensional framework based on policy tools and policy goals

Corresponding author: Yan Jianzhou, cpuqqyan@163.com
  • 摘要:目的 为我国儿童药保障相关政策制定和优化提供依据。方法 基于政策工具理论,构建“政策工具-政策目标”二维政策分析框架,并以 “政策序号-政策工具类型-具体政策工具-政策目标”的方式进行编码。结果 在政策工具维度,环境性政策工具占比最多,供给型政策工具和需求型政策工具占比较少。在政策目标维度中,以鼓励儿童药研发上市为目标的政策占比最多,以推动儿童药医保报销为目标的政策占比最少。结论 需进一步完善供给型政策工具,加强需求型政策工具的制定,注重环境型政策工具内部平衡,并以政策目标为导向在各环节齐发力,切实发挥政策引导作用。

    关键词: 儿童药供应保障政策工具政策分析


    Abstract: Objective To provide relevant methods for formulating pediatric drug development policies and optimizing standards. Methods Based on the theory of policy tools, a two-dimensional policy analysis framework of policy tools-policy goals is constructed. It is coded in the form of policy serial number - policy tool type - specific policy tool - policy objective. Results In terms of policy tools, environmental policy tools accounted for the largest proportion, followed by supply-based policy tools and demand-based policy tools. In the dimension of policy objectives, policies aimed at encouraging the R&D and marketing of pediatric durgs accounted for the largest proportion, and policies aimed at promoting reimbursement of pediatric durgs by medical insurance accounted for the least proportion. Conclusion It is necessary to further improve supply-based policy tools, strengthen the formulation of demand-based policy tools, pay attention to the internal balance of environmental-based policy tools, and make concerted efforts in all aspects based on policy goals to effectively play the role of policy guidance.

    Key words: pediatric drug; supply security; policy tool; policy analysis


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2022-07-11


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李新宇, 邵蓉, 白铭钰, 李大双, 颜建周. 我国儿童药保障政策文本量化分析——基于政策工具、政策目标的二维框架. 2022. biomedRxiv.202209.00016


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