• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅

新医改以来我国乡村医生相关政策量化研究: 基于政策工具、靶点和力度

通讯作者: 陈钟鸣, czm3306196@163.com

A quantitative study of Chinas village clinic doctor policy since the new medical reform: based on policy tools, targets and strength

Corresponding author: Chen Zhongming, czm3306196@163.com
  • 摘要:目的:对新医改以来我国中央政府层面出台的乡村医生相关政策文件进行量化分析,探讨我国乡村医生相关政策体系的侧重点和不足,从而为乡村医生政策的制定与完善提供参考。方法:从中国政府网、国家卫生健康委员会、北大法宝等相关网站查找中央部委层面发布的乡村医生相关政策文件,利用政策工具量化分析方法,从政策靶点、政策工具和政策力度三个角度构建三维框架并进行量化分析。结果:共纳入19份政策文件进行研究。分析显示,乡村医生政策靶点以教育培训(23.66%)、收入补助(16.79%)和乡村医生与卫生体系之间关系(14.50%)为主,政策工具类型以象征劝诫型工具(32.89%)和能力建设型工具(28.95%)使用居多,政策力度整体有待提高。政策各维度内部结构、不同政策靶点的政策力度、不同政策靶点的政策工具均衡性均有待提升。结论:在政策靶点维度,应重视向养老保障、服务功能发力。在政策工具维度,应提高命令型、激励型和能力建设型工具与政策靶点的匹配程度。

    关键词: 新医改;乡村医生;政策工具;政策靶点;政策力度


    Abstract: Objective: To quantitatively analyze Chinas national-level policy documents related to village clinic doctors since the new medical reform. By exploring the focus and shortcomings of the policy system related to rural doctors in China, we provide references for the formulation and improvement of village clinic doctor policies. Methods: Policy documents related to village clinic doctors at the national level were found from relevant websites such as the Chinese government website, the National Health and Wellness Commission, and Pkulaw.com. Using the quantitative analysis method of policy tools, a three-dimensional framework was constructed and analyzed from three perspectives: policy targets, policy tools and policy strength. Results: A total of 19 policy documents were included for the study. Analysis showed that the policy targets related to village clinic doctors were mainly education and training (23.66%), income subsidies (16.79%) and the relationship between village clinic doctors and the health system (14.50%), and the policy tools were mostly used as symbolic and exhortation tools (32.89%) and capacity building tools (28.95%). The overall policy strength needs to be improved. Internal structure of policy dimensions, policy strength for different policy targets, and balance of policy tools for different policy targets all need to be improved. Conclusion: In the policy target dimension, emphasis should be placed on the power to the pension protection and service functions. In the policy tool dimension, the matching degree of command, incentive and capacity building tools with the policy target should be improved.

    Key words: New medical reform; Village clinic doctor; Policy tools; Policy targets; Policy strength


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-11-22


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周立芳, 吕海源, 邵佳娴, 尹文强, 于云聪, 马东平, 陈钟鸣. 新医改以来我国乡村医生相关政策量化研究: 基于政策工具、靶点和力度. 2022. biomedRxiv.202203.00011


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