• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 伍琳, 104511505@qq.com

Medical Insurance Payment Incentive and Doctors Multi-tasking Execution Deviation:A new Explanatory Framework and Policy Implications

Corresponding author: WU LIN, 104511505@qq.com
  • 摘要:在“医保-医院-医生”的委托代理结构中医院并非直接的执行主体,而是依靠医生完成多种任务,医保支付方式对于医生的服务行为具有重要的激励作用。基于我国公立医院医疗服务供给存在自利“韧性”的事实,本文创新性地构建了以“三重机制”为特征的医保支付激励医生行为的分析框架,并以此为基础解释了随着收入激励和成本激励功能弱化、“压力-能力”失衡条件下问责约束以及容忍机制的生成,医生产生偏离政策预期的代理行为并获得制度空间的过程。为此,建议从构建医生收入预期和惩戒预期的角度继续完善有关薪酬、人事和财政制度,以使医生能更忠诚地扮演人民健康“守门人”的角色。

    关键词: 医保支付;医生行为;双重委托代理;激励效应


    Abstract: In the medical insurance-hospital-doctor principal-agent structure, hospitals are not the direct executing agents, but rely on doctors to perform various tasks. Medical insurance payment methods have an important incentive effect on doctors service behavior. Based on the reality of self-interest in the supply of medical services in Chinas public hospitals, this paper first constructs an innovative framework for analyzing doctors behavior featuring a triple-mechanism. Based on this framework, it explains how doctors deviations from expected agency behaviors are generated and obtained institutional space, which actually stem from the double weakening of income incentives and cost incentives, accountability constraints under the pressure-competence imbalance, and the generation of tolerance mechanisms. Finally, it is suggested that the financial, personnel, and compensation systems should continue to be improved from the perspective of building doctors income expectations and disciplinary expectations, so as to bridge the gap between doctors behaviors and policy expectations in multi-tasking agencies.

    Key words: medical insurance payment; physician behavior; dual-agency; incentive effect


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-12-20


  • 公开评论  匿名评论  仅发给作者


伍琳, 李梦颖. 医保支付激励与医生多任务执行偏差——新的解释框架和政策启示. 2022. biomedRxiv.202112.00013


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