• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 项莉, xllyf@126.com

Analysis on the rush point behavior of medical institutions under the total budget of regional point method ——Take DIP payment method as an example

Corresponding author: XIANG Li, xllyf@126.com
  • 摘要:区域点数法总额预算作为一种预算控制方式,可以不同的支付单元付费方式结合,探究区域点数法总额预算下医疗机构“冲点”行为有助于对改善医保支付方式运行模式。本研究对区域点数法总额预算下医疗机构“冲点”行为情况进行梳理,运用博弈论揭示DIP支付方式下医疗机构的“冲点”行为选择。从理论与实践均证明区域点数法总额预算会带来医疗机构“冲点”行为风险。通过博弈模型可知DIP支付方式中医疗机构的严格优势策略为包含不合理医疗的各类“冲点”行为。不合理“冲点”行为的惩罚金额、医保经办机构的监管成本、不合理“冲点”行为的额外收入金额大小对医疗机构不合理“冲点行为”和医保经办机构监管到位程度产生影响。医保部门需要在优化支付、监管机制等实施模式着手,减少不合理“冲点”行为。

    关键词: DIP“冲点”行为区域点数法总额预算医保支付方式


    Abstract: As a budget control method, the total budget of regional point method can be combined with different payment methods. Exploring the punching point behavior of medical institutions under the total budget of regional point method will help to improve the operation mode of medical insurance payment. This study combs the rush point behavior of medical institutions under the total budget of the regional point method, and uses game theory to reveal the rush point behavior choice of medical institutions under the dip payment method. Both theory and practice have proved that the total budget of regional point method will bring about the risk of rush point behavior of medical institutions. According to the game model, the strict advantage strategy of dip payment is all kinds of rush point behaviors including unreasonable medical treatment. The amount of punishment for unreasonable rush point behavior, the supervision cost of medical insurance agencies, and the amount of additional income from unreasonable rush point behavior have an impact on the unreasonable rush point behavior of medical institutions and the degree of supervision of medical insurance agencies. The medical insurance department needs to optimize the payment, supervision mechanism and other implementation modes to reduce unreasonable rush point behavior.

    Key words: DIP; Rush point behavior; Total budget of regional point method; Medical insurance payment method


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    1 2022-04-12


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林坤河, 刘宵, 黄雨萌, 黄梅香, 钟正东, 李浩, 熊英贝, 周津, 项莉. 区域点数法总额预算下医疗机构“冲点”行为分析——以DIP支付方式为例. 2022. biomedRxiv.202207.00022


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