• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 吴晶, jingwu@tju.edu.cn

Discussion on Threshold of Pharmacoeconomics for Orphan Drugs

Corresponding author: Wu Jing, jingwu@tju.edu.cn
  • 摘要:目的:针对能大幅改善罕见病患者健康的孤儿药,调整经济性评价中支付阈值的设定方法,提升其经济性评价的合理性。方法:深入分析经济性评价支付阈值设定的理论基础,从健康效用理论角度探讨支付阈值设定理论的不足,探讨孤儿药阈值调整的理论方案,并通过文献研究和国际经验总结进行验证。结果:传统的成本-效用分析默认每单位质量调整生命年(Quality-Adjusted Life Years,QALYs)对应的健康效用恒定,低估了能大幅改善重症罕见病患者健康的孤儿药的价值。理论分析表明,对于初始QALY几乎为零的重症罕见病患者,随着健康的改善,每获得一单位QALY对应的边际健康效用递增,直到患者能正常参与各种社会活动,之后边际健康效用递减。基于按效用付费的原则,如果孤儿药可大幅改善重症罕见病患者的健康,孤儿药的支付阈值应高于只能轻微改善健康的一般药品。结论:应根据QALYs改善程度调整传统的恒定阈值,以科学评价孤儿药的经济性。

    关键词: 孤儿药;药物经济学;支付阈值;质量调整生命年; 健康效用


    Abstract: Objective: To adjust the method of setting threshold for orphan drugs that can greatly improve the health of patients with severe and rare diseases and improve the rationality of pharmacoeconomics. Methods: This article analyzes theory of setting threshold for pharmacoeconomics, and discuss the theoretical shortcoming of setting threshold from the perspective of health utility theory, and explore the theoretical solution of threshold adjustment for orphan drugs. Literature retrieval and summary of international experience were carried out to verify the theoretical solution. Results: Cost-utility analysis considers that health utility corresponding to one QALY remains unchanged, which underestimates the value of orphan drugs which can improve health of patients with severe and rare diseases. For patients with severe and rare diseases of almost zero QALYs, marginal health utility of extra one QALY will increase as QALYs increasing, until patients can participate various social activities normally, then the marginal health utility will decrease. Based on the principle of paying for utility, if orphan drugs can greatly improve health of patients with severe and rare diseases, the threshold of each QALY should be higher that of general new drugs which can slightly improve health. Conclusions: Traditional constant threshold should be adjusted according to health improvement to evaluate economics of orphan drugs scientifically.

    Key words: Orphan drugs; Pharmacoeconomics; Threshold; Quality-Adjusted Life Years; Health utility


  • 图表

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    1 2021-10-12


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陈莉莉, 王丽莉, 吴晶, 赵蒙蒙. 孤儿药经济学评估中的支付阈值探讨. 2021. biomedRxiv.202110.00039


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