• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅

社会经济与卫生资源协调发展定量研究——基于2010-2018年 31个省(市)的面板数据

通讯作者: 陈迎春, chenyingchun@hust.edu.cn

Quantitative Research on the Coordinated Development of Social Economy and Health Resources——Based on Panel data of 31 Provinces (Cities) from 2010 to 2018

Corresponding author: chen yingchun, chenyingchun@hust.edu.cn
  • 摘要:目的:根据协调发展理论构建了社会经济与卫生资源投入协调发展评价指标体系,探索我国31个省(市)社会经济发展与卫生资源投入的作用关系以及对健康水平的影响。方法:基于熵权法确定社会经济与卫生资源各项指标权重,利用协调发展度模型对我国31个省(市)的社会经济与卫生资源的协调发展水平进行了地区差异分析和纵向动态分析。结果:(1)2010-2018年,不同省(市)社会经济和卫生资源各项指标权重变化,整体特征发生改变。(2)2010年,东、中部社会经济与卫生资源存在较小差距,西部与二者存在较大差距;2012-2018年,东、中部差距增加且东部大于中部,西部整体差距随年份变化较小。(3)从地区分布来看,大部分省(市)协调发展度在0.40~0.59之间,属于过渡发展类。河北、河南、山东、湖南、四川协调发展度大于0.60,属于良好协调发展类。从纵向发展来看,2010年的协调发展度最高,后8年间先下降后上升,但贵州、青海、宁夏、西藏、海南边远地区协调发展度在逐年上升。(4)围产儿死亡率和孕产妇死亡率与协调发展度呈现一定的负向关系,在中部和西部表现更加明显。结论:不同省(市)社会经济发展存在差异,对卫生资源产生了不同的需求。我国31个省(市)整体协调发展水平一般,东部协调发展度高于中部,中部高于西部。不同地区社会经济与卫生资源投入分布差异明显,卫生资源投入相比社会经济发展的需求明显不足。在今后卫生资源的配置中,需进一步调整投入结构,提高精准性和动态调整能力;同时关注区域间卫生服务的交互需求,改善卫生资源投入公平性。

    关键词: 经济;社会;卫生资源;熵权法;协调发展度


    Abstract: Objective: To construct an evaluation index system for the coordinated development of social economy and health resources investment based on the coordinated development theory, and to explore the interaction results of social economic development and health resource in 31 provinces (cities) in China. Method: Use entropy weight method to determine the index weights in the evaluation index system,and use the coordinated development degree model to do regional and longitudinal analysis of social economy and health resource of 31 provinces (cities) in China from 2010 to 2018. Results: (1) the weight of indicators of social economy and health resources in different provinces (cities) changed as the overall characteristics changed from 2010 to 2018. (2) In 2010, there was a small gap between the comprehensive development of social economy and health resources in the East and central regions, and a large gap between the West and the two regions. From 2012 to 2018, the gap between the East and the central regions increased and the gap between the East was larger than that between the central regions. The overall gap between the West changed little with the year. (3) In terms of regional distribution, the coordinated development degree of most provinces (cities) was between 0.40 and 0.59 from 2010 to 2018, which belonged to the transitional development category. The coordinated development degree of Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Hunan, and Sichuan has always been above 0.60, belonging to the category of good coordinated development. From the perspective of vertical development, the coordinated development degree in 2010 was the highest, falling and then rising in the following 8 years, but the coordinated development degree in remote areas of Guizhou, Qinghai, Ningxia, Tibet and Hainan increased year by year. (4) Perinatal mortality and maternal mortality and coordinated development showed a certain negative relationship, more pronounced in the central and western regions. Conclusion: There are differences in the social and economic development of different provinces (cities), which have different demands on health resources. The overall coordinated development level of 31 provinces (cities) in China is average. The distribution of social economy and health resources in different regions is significantly different. The investment in health resources seems to be insufficient compared to the needs of social economic development. In the allocation of health resources in the future, it is necessary to further adjust the input structure to improve accuracy and dynamic adjustment capabilities; while pay attention to the interactive needs of interregional health services and improve the equity of health resources input.

    Key words: economy; society; health resources; entropy weight method; coordinated development


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2020-07-14


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谭敏, 苏岱, 张云钒, 雷诗寒, 陈迎春. 社会经济与卫生资源协调发展定量研究——基于2010-2018年 31个省(市)的面板数据. 2021. biomedRxiv.202007.00028


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