陈传爱. 红细胞存储损伤的研究进展. 2025. biomedRxiv.202502.00021
通讯作者: 陈传爱, chenchuanaiczh@163.com
Research progress of red blood cell storage lesion
Abstract: Quality Control Department, Tianjin Blood Center, Tianjin.Abstract: Transfusion of red blood cells (RBCs) saves lives. RBCs have evolved to optimally supply oxygen by packing high concentrations of haemoglobin in their cytosol and shedding nuclei and other organelles. Stored RBCs undergo a series of biochemical, morphological and functional changes. These modifications-collectively referred to as “storage lesion(s)”. In recent years, with the development of omics and other technologies, the mechanism of red blood cell storage lesion, measures to improve the storage quality and clinical consequences have been the research hotspots in this field. This paper reviews the above contents based on the current research of storage lesion.
Key words: Red blood cells; storage lesion; Transfusion; blood storage提交时间:2025-02-13
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2025-02-05 bmr.202502.00021V1
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