• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 郝小鹰

Clinical Research Progress of Gastrin in Gastric Precancerous Lesion

Corresponding author: haoxiaoying
  • 摘要:胃癌前病变(Gastric Precancerous Lesion,GPL)是胃癌(Gastric cancer,GC)发生发展过程中必经阶段,早期筛查GPL,能够有效降低GC发病率和死亡率。目前,早期筛查GPL可以依靠血清肿瘤标志物,如胃蛋白酶原I/II(PG I/II)、糖类抗原72-4(CA72-4)、糖类抗原19-9(CA19-9)、糖类抗原24-2 (CA24-2)、糖类抗原50(CA50)及胃泌素17(G-17)等,通过检测血清肿瘤标志物的水平,反映胃黏膜病变程度和早期诊治。其中胃泌素17(G-17)在GPL筛查中特异性最高,研究发现,G-17能够反映不同部位的胃黏膜分泌状态、萎缩程度,其血清水平随萎缩程度加重而下降。因此,本文以“Gastrin,Stomach Neoplasms,Precancerous Conditions,Clinical Studies”为英文关键词,以“胃泌素,胃癌,胃癌前病变,临床研究”为中文主题词检索PubMed与中国知网相关文献,检索时间为2019-2024年,纳入近5年相关文献19篇。论述G-17在筛查GPL中的应用的价值,为临床筛查GPL提供更多的参考。

    关键词: 胃泌素胃癌前病变临床研究综述


    Abstract: Gastric Precancerous Lesion (GPL) is a necessary stage in the development of gastric cancer (GC), and early screening of GPL can effectively reduce the morbidity and mortality of GC. At present, early screening of GPL can rely on serum tumour markers, such as pepsinogen I/II (PG I/II), glycoantigen 72-4 (CA72-4), glycoantigen 19-9 (CA19-9), glycoantigen 24-2 (CA24-2), glycoantigen 50 (CA50), and gastrin 17 (G-17), and so on, which can reflect gastric mucosal lesions and death rates by detecting the levels of serum tumour markers. The level of serum tumour markers reflects the degree of gastric mucosal lesions and early diagnosis and treatment. Among them, gastrin 17 (G-17) has the highest specificity in GPL screening, and it is found that G-17 can reflect the secretion status and atrophy degree of gastric mucosa in different parts of the stomach, and its serum level decreases with the aggravation of atrophy degree. Therefore, this paper uses “Gastrin, Stomach Neoplasms, Precancerous Conditions, Clinical Studies” as the English Keywords, and “Gastrin, Gastric Cancer, Gastric Precancerous Conditions, Clinical Studies” as the Chinese Keywords to search PubMed and China Knowledge Network (CKN) for the relevant literature in the past 5 years. We discuss the value of G-17 in screening for GPL and provide more references for clinical screening of GPL.

    Key words: Gastrin; Gastric precancerous lesions; Clinical studies; Review


  • 图表

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    1 2024-10-23


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程悦, 郝小鹰. 胃泌素在胃癌前病变中的临床研究进展. 2025. biomedRxiv.202502.00030


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