• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 辛海燕, -

A Design and Implementation of the Whole Process Traceability Blood Intelligent Management Mode

Corresponding author: Xin Haiyan, -
  • 摘要:目的:设计一种保证血液能够安全准确无误的输注给患者的模式,全流程记录血液去向并实现可追溯。方法:通过梳理从输血科血液入库开始,输血申请及电子交叉配血后发血、科室取血,给患者输注血液、血袋回收、信息上传等步骤,联合HIS系统(Hospital Information System)、输血信息系统BIS(Blood Information System)、移动护理终端PDA(Personal Digital Assistant)、基于物联网的智能血液转运箱和智能血液冰箱实现的血库前移和血液暂存技术,通过接口把各个系统链接起来实现血液全流程记录。结果:该模式实现了从血液入库记录、发血、血液接收、血液暂存、血液输注、血袋回收、血液输注信息上传中心血站系统等都能实现数据查询可追溯。结论:该血液管理新模式能够满足血液流通过程记录,实现了血液全流程可追溯,准确追踪精准定位,更好的保障患者安全用血。

    关键词: 全流程追溯,输血管理,智能管理


    Abstract: Objective: To design a safe and accurate mode of blood transfusion to patients, record the direction of blood bag and traceability. Methods: By combing the blood stored in the blood transfusion department, the blood was sent out after the blood transfusion application and electronic cross matching, blood was taken from the department, and the blood was infused to the patients, blood bag was recovered and blood bag information was uploaded to Central Blood System. Combined with HIS(Hospital Information System), BIS(Blood Information System), mobile nursing terminal PDA, intelligent blood transfer box based on Internet of things and intelligent blood refrigerator to realize blood bank forward moving and blood bag temporary storage technology, all systems are linked through the interfaces to realize the whole blood flow recording. Results: This mode can realize the data query and traceability from the blood storage record, blood matching and , blood bag receiving, blood bag temporary storage,blood transfusion, blood bag recovery, blood bag information uploaded to central blood station system. Conclusion: The new blood management mode can meet the requirements of blood bag circulation process record, realize the whole blood process traceability, accurate tracking and accurate positioning, and better ensure the safety of patients with blood use.

    Key words: Whole process traceability, Blood transfusion management, Intelligent Manage


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-09-08


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高文娟, 李金苗, 陈军伟, 辛海燕. 全流程追溯血液智能管理模式设计与实践. 2021. biomedRxiv.202109.00009




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