• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 周君, annzhouqq@163.com

Interconnection between intelligent consumable cabinet and HRP system helps fine management of high value medical consumables

Corresponding author: ZhouJun, annzhouqq@163.com
  • 摘要:为提高科室高值医用耗材管理效率,解决临床科室二级库管理痛点,消除管理盲点,北京协和医院引进智能耗材柜,在一体化HRP建设基础上,规划出智能耗材柜与HRP互联互通的总体构建,确立了智能耗材柜与HRP互联互通的高值医用耗材全生命周期管理流程。通过智能耗材柜与HRP系统功能及接口的标准化与规范化的设计与实现,研究出智能耗材柜与HRP互联互通模式,提高了高值医用耗材精细化管理水平。

    关键词: 智能耗材柜;HRP;高值医用耗材


    Abstract: In order to improve the management efficiency of high-value medical consumables, solve the pain points of management, and eliminate the blind spots of management, Piking Union Medical College hospital introduced intelligent consumables cabinet. On the basis of integrated HRP construction, we planned the overall construction of interconnection between intelligent consumables cabinet and HRP, and established the whole life cycle management process of interconnection between intelligent consumables cabinet and HRP. Through the standardized design and implementation of the functions and interfaces between the intelligent consumable cabinet and HRP system, the interconnection mode between the intelligent consumable cabinet and HRP has successfully researched, and the fine management level of high-value medical consumables in our hospital has improved.

    Key words: Intelligent Consumables Cabinet; HRP; High-value Consumable


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-09-13


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许燕, 李玉梅, 徐滔, 朱雪清, 周君. 智能耗材柜与HRP系统互联互通助力高值医用耗材精细化管理. 2021. biomedRxiv.202109.00020


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