• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 贺培凤, hepeifeng2006@126.com

Integration of Informatics in Medicine-Innovative Practice of Information Empowered Medical Talent Training

Corresponding author: hepeifeng, hepeifeng2006@126.com
  • 摘要:医学人才培养中深度融入信息教育,提升医学人才的培养质量,是时代赋予高等医学教育的重大课题。山西医科大学自2011年起以医信融合教育理念为引领,通过进阶式交叉合作、贯通式课程建设、多课堂教学设计和多部门协同管理四项措施推行医信融合教育改革,有效提升了医学人才培养质量,并探索出学科交叉一体化人才培养路径。

    关键词: 医信融合;医学人才培养;学科交叉;人才培养体系


    Abstract: Deeply integrating information education into the cultivation of medical talents to improve the quality of medical talent cultivation is a major issue entrusted to higher medical education by the times. Since 2011, Shanxi Medical University has been guided by the concept of integrated medical and information education. Through four measures: advanced cross cooperation, integrated course construction, multi-classroom teaching design, and multi-department collaborative management, it has promoted the reform of integrated medical and information education, effectively improving the quality of medical talent cultivation and exploring a path for interdisciplinary and integrated talent cultivation.

    Key words: Integration of Informatics in Medicine; Medical talent cultivation; Intersection of disciplines; Talent training system


  • 图表

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    1 2023-04-13


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何小峰, 贺培凤. 医信融合-信息赋能医学人才培养的创新实践. 2023. biomedRxiv.202305.00019


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