• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 王志辉, 50406850@qq.com

TCM informatization personnel training under double first-class background Application exploration of tutorial system for undergraduate students

Corresponding author: Wang Zhihui, 50406850@qq.com
  • 摘要:近年教育部出台多项政策,要求高校为学生制定个性化培养方案来提升本科层次人才培养质量。本文通过调研显示本科生导师制在我国双一流建设高校中普及率很高,而在中医药大学普及率较低。为了满足我国中医药事业发展需要,推动中医药国际化进程,本文构建了中医药信息化人才核心素养模型,研究了本科生导师制在提升中医药信息化人才培养质量,避免人才培养同质化的必要性,并对本导制的中医药信息化人才培养过程中具体应用进行了探索。

    关键词: “双一流”高校中医药信息化本科生导师制本科教育人才培养


    Abstract: The Ministry of Education has issued a number of policy documents to improve the quality of undergraduate talent training in recent years, colleges and universities are required to formulate individualized training programs for students. This paper shows that the penetration rate of undergraduate tutorial system is very high in Chinas double first-class construction universities, while the penetration rate is low in Chinese medicine universities. In order to meet the needs of the rapid development of Traditional Chinese medicine in China and promote the internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine,the paper putting forward the core literacy model of TCM informatization talents and announcing the necessity to improve the quality of traditional Chinese medicine informatization talent training for the undergraduate tutorial system and avoiding the homogenization of talent training, then explores the specific training process of undergraduate tutorial system.

    Key words: Double first-class universities, Traditional Chinese medicine informatization, Undergraduate tutorial system, Undergraduate education, Talent cultivation; ; ; ; 


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2022-06-13


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王志辉. 双一流背景下中医药信息化人才培养中本科生导师制的应用探索. 2022. biomedRxiv.202207.00008


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