• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 徐荣廷, xrt4047805@126.com

Research on practice and investigation of information literacy education in colleges of traditional Chinese medicine

Corresponding author: XU Rongting, xrt4047805@126.com
  • 摘要:“互联网+”时代背景下,重视信息素养教育,不断完善和提高人们对庞杂信息的筛选、分析、评价、再利用等一系列能力,具有重要意义。“信息素养”理念自20世纪90年代起引入我国,早在2003年已有学者提出高校应重视信息素养教育并将其充分融入学科教育中。我国中医药学具有鲜明的学科特色,在本科教育、研究生培养、临床医生训练等模块中,“信息素养教育”已成为一项重要内容。本文以国内两所中医药大学为例,采用问卷调查法,开展中医药高等院校以图书馆为主体信息素养教育实践探索的调查分析;结果显示,两所院校在多方面存在差异,例如信息素养教育融入高校本科教育的程度、师生获取外文情报的习惯与途径等,建议国内兄弟院校应该积极搭建该领域的学术交流与策略讨论平台,各方院校取长补短,以促进中医药院校信息素养教育的可持续发展。本文旨在阐明中医药高校信息素养的发展现状、存在问题和未来研究方向,解析具有中医药特色的信息素养教育途径,为中医药高校构建高信息素养人才的培养体系提供参考。

    关键词: 中医药高校;图书馆;信息素养教育;实践;问卷调查法;


    Abstract: Under the background of “internet+”, information literacy education should be paid more attention to, namely, it is important to improve the public’s abilities in screening, analyzing, evaluating and reusing complex information. The concept of “information literacy” has been introduced into China since the 1990s, scholar PI Jie-zheng proposed in 2003 that universities should pay attention to information literacy education and fully integrate it into subject education. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has distinct disciplinary characteristics. In the stages of education and training of undergraduate, postgraduate and clinician, “information literacy education” has become an important issue. In this paper, two colleges of TCM has been chosen as targets, and the questionnaire survey was used to study the practice exploration of information literacy education. Results show that between those two exits a significant difference, which indicates that more academic communication should be carried out and discussion platforms constructed, so as to improve the sustainable development. This paper aims to clarify the development status, key problems and future research directions of information literacy education in colleges of TCM, to propose the experienced approaches with TCM characteristics, and to provide reference for the establishment of a training system for high information literacy talents in universities of TCM.

    Key words: colleges of traditional Chinese medicine; library; information literacy education; practice; questionnaire survey


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-10-12


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邹慧琴, 陈 欣, 王林燕, 于淑琳, 郝素梅, 徐荣廷. 国内中医药高等院校以图书馆为主体的信息素养教育实践与调查研究. 2021. biomedRxiv.202110.00021


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