朱传安, 王霞, 唐佳骥. 绩效考核背景下TR医院数据治理及开发应用实践. 2023. biomedRxiv.202303.00018
通讯作者: 唐佳骥, tangjiaji@sina.com
Data governance and application practice of TR Hospital under the background of performance appraisal
Corresponding author: Tang Jiaji, tangjiaji@sina.com
关键词: 医院管理 数据治理 绩效管理Abstract: Modern information technology and data governance is the inevitable choice for the government to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and also the effective support for the high-quality development of public hospitals. With the advancement of the performance assessment of national public hospitals, TR Hospital actively explores practices, takes performance as the starting point, promotes hospital data governance, establishes an organizational structure, sorts out the functions and correlation of each main business system, and establishes a master index and data sharing system, forming a horizontal performance assessment requirements at all levels and a vertical implementation of the refined performance management effect of the assessment of doctors in the department. Finally, this paper also puts forward several problems in the internal and external industry of hospital data governance, in order to provide research basis for the high-quality development of the industry and public hospitals.
Key words: Hospital management Data governance Performance management提交时间:2023-03-22
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2022-11-20 bmr.202303.00018V1
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