• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 贾金忠, jiajinzhongpku@126.com

Regional Differences and Spatial-temporal Pattern of Resource Allocation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians

Corresponding author: jiajinzhong, jiajinzhongpku@126.com
  • 摘要:目的:分析2012年和2020年中医执业(助理)医师资源配置情况,为政府相关部门制定策略以优化中医医师资源布局提供参考。方法:综合运用自然间断点分级法、空间自相关、极差率与泰尔指数等多元方法探讨中医医师资源配置的省域分布差异、空间格局及其变动情况。结果:2012—2020年,全国中医药人员数量呈增长趋势。2020年,共有7个省份中医医师资源配置水平低于规划标准,省际空间分布格局差异明显,总体上呈现由西北至东南递减的趋势。区域间配置不均衡呈扩大趋势,资源空间聚集程度加深,配置水平高值区主要集中于华北地区的天津、河北,低值区则主要分布在华南地区的广东和广西。结论:我国中医医师资源配置水平总体空间分布差距呈扩大趋势,省际间不均衡。建议重点关注东北、西北、西南和华中地区,以及经济发达地区的劣势省份。

    关键词: 中医医师;资源配置;区域差异;时空格局;空间自相关;泰尔指数


    Abstract: Objective: To analyze the resource allocation of Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in 2012 and 2020, and to provide reference for relevant government departments to formulate strategies to optimize the allocation of TCM Doctor. Methods: The natural discontinuity classification, spatial auto-correlation, range rate and Theil index were used to explore the provincial distribution differences, spatial pattern and changes of TCM Doctor resource allocation. Results: From 2012 to 2020, the number of TCM Doctor in China shows an increasing trend.In 2020, there were seven provinces with TCM Doctor resource allocation below the planning standard, with obvious inter-provincial spatial distribution pattern, showing a decreasing trend from northwest to southeast.The imbalance of resource allocation among regions was expanding, and the degree of spatial aggregation of resources was deepening. The high-value areas of resource allocation were mainly concentrated in Tianjin and Hebei in North China, while the low-value areas were mainly distributed in Guangdong and Guangxi in South China. Conclusion: The overall spatial distribution gap of TCM Doctor resource allocation in China shows an expanding trend, and the imbalance among provinces.It is suggested to focus on the northeast, northwest, southwest and central China, as well as the disadvantaged provinces in the economically developed regions.

    Key words: Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine; Resources allocation; Regional differences; Spatial-temporal patterns; Spatial auto-correlation; Theil Index


  • 图表

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    1 2022-10-25


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