• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 王磊, wangleienjoy@163.com

Analysis of influencing factors of Chinas biomedical innovation ability based on ISM

Corresponding author: wanglei, wangleienjoy@163.com
  • 摘要:目的:针对我国生物医药创新能力亟需加强的现实需求,分析生物医药创新能力的影响因素,为加速生物医药行业创新发展提供指导。方法:综合情报调研和专家访谈梳理出我国生物医药创新能力的影响因素,运用解释结构模型分析影响因素之间的复杂关系,形成递接结构关系,提出政策环境、经费投入、技术平台、成果产出、创新力度等五个层次的生物医药创新能力提升的运行机理。结果:我国生物医药创新能力以政策环境为基本保障,以经费投入和技术平台为发展基础,以成果产出和创新集聚效应为表现形式。结论:提升生物医药创新能力需要强化政策环境的保障支撑,加大经费投入和技术平台发挥的基础性作用,以及关注成果产出和创新集聚效应的正向反馈。

    关键词: 生物医药创新能力;解释结构模型;影响因素


    Abstract: Objective: Focusing on the realistic demand that biomedical innovation ability needs to be strengthened urgently in China, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of biomedical innovation ability, so as to provide guidance for accelerating the innovation and development of biomedical industry. Methods: Based on comprehensive information research and expert interviews, this paper combs out the influencing factors of Chinas biomedical innovation ability, analyzes the complex relationship between the influencing factors by using the explanatory structure model, forms a recursive structure relationship, and puts forward the operation mechanism of improving biomedical innovation ability at five levels: policy environment, fund investment, technology platform, achievement output and innovation strength.Results: Chinas biomedical innovation ability is basically guaranteed by the policy environment, based on the investment and technology platform, and expressed in the form of achievement output and innovation agglomeration effect. Conclusion: To improve the innovation ability of biomedicine, it is crucial to strengthen policy environment, reinforce fund investment and technology platform, and pay attention to the positive feedback of achievement output and innovation agglomeration effect.

    Key words: biomedical innovation ability; interpretive structural model; influence factor


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-11-30


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崔蓓, 王磊. 基于ISM的我国生物医药创新能力影响因素分析. 2022. biomedRxiv.202111.00015


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