• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 于石成, yusc@chinacdc.cn

Construction and Application of Integrated Platform for Burden of Chronic Disease Study and Decision-Making Support

Corresponding author: yu shicheng, yusc@chinacdc.cn
  • 摘要:疾病负担可为卫生政策制定提供重要参考,但我国各地缺乏相关工作技术。本平台框架包括基础层、数据层、支撑层、应用层和接入层共5层结构,以疾病负担的数据导入、在线计算和可视化展示为主要功能;嵌入死因垃圾编码、伤残权重等重要参数,支持各地开展疾病负担精准测算;支持不同危险因素暴露水平慢性病死亡预测。综上,本平台是我国首个慢病疾病负担研究工具,在科研机构、临床医学中心、疾病防控和卫生行政部门均有广泛应用。

    关键词: 人群健康综合测量;慢性病;疾病负担;决策支持;集成平台


    Abstract: Burden of disease can provide evidence for health policy-making; however, local public health specialist is lacking of skill and tools for the measurement of burden of disease. The framework of our platform includes five layers: the basic layer, the data layer, the support layer, the application layer and the access layer, and the main functions of it are the data import, online calculation, and visual display of the burden of disease. This platform has embedded the latest garbage codes, Chinese disability weight, and some other important parameters, which can afford measurement of burden of disease at the provincial level or at the prefecture-level city. Also, this platform has set up scenario exposed to different risk factors predicts numbers of death and probability of death for the main chronic diseases. To sum up, this integrated platform is a first software tool for the burden of chronic disease study in China, it will have a widespread use in colleges and universities, research institutions, centers of clinical medicine, organizations for disease control and prevention, departments of health administration.

    Key words: Summary measurement of population health; Chronic non-communicable disease; burden of disease; decision-making support; integrated platform


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-06-29


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