• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 吴晓瑛, wuxy227@mail.sysu.edu.cn

Construction and preliminary application of liver cirrhosis special disease database

Corresponding author: WU Xiao-ying, wuxy227@mail.sysu.edu.cn
  • 摘要:高质量的专病数据库是专科大数据分析与利用的重要基础支撑,我国在专病数据库建设方面刚刚起步。本文以中山大学附属第三医院肝硬化专病数据库建设实践经验为切入,分析了消化内科对肝硬化专病数据库的临床研究及应用需求。在医院专科和临床数据中心等的支持下,我们结合医疗业务系统和随访系统,建立了肝硬化专病库。目前该数据库汇聚了超过2万例肝硬化患者的医疗数据,包含常规电子病历、病理、影像、生物样本等数据,涉及诊断、专科体格检查、实验室检验、检查、用药、手术及护理等多维度信息,共729个指标。基于该数据库正开展一系列回顾性前瞻性队列、基于多模态数据的预后研究等临床应用项目。本肝硬化专病数据库的建设为国内临床专病数据库的构建和应用提供经验和参考,为肝硬化专病的科学研究、临床决策和改善医疗服务质量提供了有力的数据支撑,对进一步辅助提高临床肝脏相关疾病医疗诊治规范和水平具有重要意义。

    关键词: 专病数据库;肝硬化;疾病数据库;专病大数据


    Abstract: High-quality special disease database is an important basic support for the analysis and utilization of special disease of big data. The construction of special disease databases in China have just started. For the sake of the construction of liver cirrhosis special disease database at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, we analyzed the gastroenterologists’ demand of clinical research and application for the liver cirrhosis special disease database; then with the support of the gastroenterology department and clinical data center, combining with the medical business systems and the follow-up system, we established the liver cirrhosis special database. This database covers more than 20,000 cases of liver cirrhosis patients, including routine electronic medical records, pathological data, image data, biological samples data and so on, they involve physiological, biochemical, treatment, examination, nursing and other multi-dimensional information, with a total of 729 indicators. Based on this database, we are carrying out a series of clinical application projects, such as retrospective or prospective cohort, and prognosis studies based on multimodal data for liver cirrhosis patients. The construction of this liver cirrhosis special database provides experience and reference for the construction and application of domestic clinical special database, provides strong data support for the scientific research, clinical decision-making and improvement of medical service quality of liver cirrhosis, and is of great significance to assist to improve the standard and level of clinical diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases.

    Key words: Special Disease Database; Liver Cirrhosis; Disease Database; Big Data of Special Disease


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-04-30


  • 公开评论  匿名评论  仅发给作者


刘迷迷, 杜国霞, 周毅, 吴斌, 吴晓瑛. 肝硬化专病数据库建设与应用研究. 2021. biomedRxiv.202104.00014


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