• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 吴一波, bjmuwuyibo@outlook.com

Professional and Popular Expressions of Medical Terms: A Study on Public Use and Attitude

Corresponding author: WU Yibo, bjmuwuyibo@outlook.com
  • 摘要:采用问卷调查方法调查非医务工作者对医学术语专业性与通俗性表达的使用情况与相关态度。结果表明,通俗性表达的使用在多种场合中占据主导;不同年龄组的态度差异具有显著性;因医学术语的不同表达感到不便的受调查者体现出更强烈的规范态度。同时对医学术语的规划推广提出建议,包括关注术语通俗化的现实意义和术语语言规范的价值、辩证看待术语标准化问题、加强健康科普与术语转换技术服务、关注语言伦理问题。

    关键词: 医学术语;科学性表达;通俗性表达;健康科普;语言伦理


    Abstract: The paper investigated the use and attitudes of non-medical workers towards professional and popular expressions of medical terms by means of a questionnaire survey. The results show that the use of popular expressions of medical terms dominates in various occasions; the differences of attitudes among different age groups is significant; respondents who felt the inconvenience of multiple expressions of medical terms showed a stronger attitude towards standardization of medical terms. Suggestions on the planning and promotion of medical terms are put forward, including attaching importance to both the practical significance of terminology popularization and the value of terminology language standardization, dialectically treating terminology standardization, strengthening health science popularization and technical services of terminology conversion, and paying attention to language ethics.

    Key words: Medical Terms; Professional Expressions; Popular Expressions; Health Science; Language Ethics


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-06-01


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苏映潭, 王飞, 张莹, 乔俊杰, 李亚军, 吴一波. 公众对医学术语专业性与通俗性表达的使用与态度研究. 2021. biomedRxiv.202106.00002


苏映潭,王飞,张莹,乔俊杰,吴一波.公众对医学术语专业性与通俗性表达的使用与态度研究[J].医学信息学,2022,43(3):40~44, 51


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