• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 谢甲琦, 66350354@qq.com

Leveraging Pre-trained Language Model for Consumer Health Question Classification

Corresponding author: xie jia qi, 66350354@qq.com
  • 摘要:数据挖掘近年来应用在越来越多的实际场景中,在智能化医学信息系统中也有非常多的应用,如面向互联网问诊应用场景下的公众健康问句理解。当前公众在互联网上的提问记录往往为自然语言记录,是非结构化、非标准化的。由于这类数据是没有标注的,对其进行数据挖掘十分困难,且往往无法得到性能较好的模型和准确的预测结果。因此,在中华医学会医学信息学分会举办的“公众健康问句分类”任务算法评测大赛中,我们尝试使用多种不同的预训练语言模型,包括BERT-base,BERT-wwm和RoBERTa等等。使用评测任务组织方发布的5000条标注数据集在以上预训练语言模型上进行调优,可以获得多个性能较好的模型。与此同时,受到对抗训练的启发,对模型采用了对抗训练策略,显著提高了模型预测的稳定性。由于category_C在训练集中的样本非常少,模型很难学习到其判别规律。因此我们设计了一种规则挖掘的方法,通过人工经验来辅助模型判断类别C。结合人工规则和深度学习模型的方法进一步提升了模型性能,最终取得了Macro F1 0.69(10/149)的成绩。

    关键词: 公众健康,问句分类,深度学习,预训练语言模型,对抗训练


    Abstract: Data mining has been widely applied in various of practical scenario recently, especially in the smart medical field. The data mining algorithms for medical are crucial for maximizing the usage of medical data, e.g. the health question classification. The health question classification aims to detect different questions from a given sentence, accuratelySdistinguish various questions is important for smart medical. The current medical data existed in the web is unstructured and non-standardized. Since the above data has no label, it is hard for us to discover some useful information from the above data. Besides, without high quality labeled data, training a good classifier is really hard. In this paper, we leverage various pre-trained language model to solve the health question classification task, including BERT-base, BERT-wwm and RoBERTa. By fine-tuning the pre-trained models using the labeled data, we can obtain some neural classifiers for the task. Beside, fine-tuning the pre-trained models may provide unstable results, which may have negative influence when applying to the practical scenario. Inspired by adversarial training, we employ this technique to improve the stability of our model. Meanwhile, category_C is rare in the training set, so we design a rule-based method to detect category_C, integrating the neural and human knowledge at the same time, and further improve the model’s performance. The experimental results show that our method can achieve good performance on the leaderboard.

    Key words: Consumer Health, Question Classification, Deep Learning, Pre-trained Language Model, Adversarial Training


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-01-14


  • 公开评论  匿名评论  仅发给作者


谢甲琦, 李政. 基于预训练语言模型的公众健康问句分类. 2021. biomedRxiv.202101.00017


谢甲琦,李政.基于预训练语言模型的公众健康问句分类[J].医学信息学,2021,42(12):33~36, 43


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