• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 邵蓉, shaorong118@163.com

Research and Enlightenment on Canadian Pharmaceutical Rebates Agreements

Corresponding author: SHAO Rong, shaorong118@163.com
  • 摘要:目的:通过介绍泛加拿大制药联盟谈判药品返利协议的签订机制,协议条款构成、价格保密设定方式和协议执行方式,为我国医保谈判药品的价格保密协议制定提供借鉴。方法:运用文献研究和政策分析法,对加拿大药品返利协议的签订流程、协议条款内容、价格保密机制进行梳理与分析。结果:加拿大药品谈判协议以返利的方式形成机密折扣,有效平衡了制药企业和医保支付方的利益。结论:我国医保谈判药品价格保密协议处于起步阶段,可借鉴加拿大的做法,借助返利的形式建立谈判药品价格保密机制,并辅以相应的配套措施如规范谈判协议格式和引入第三方评估机构,从而提高药品降价的科学性和合理性。

    关键词: 加拿大;返利协议;价格保密;产品收录协议;意向书


    Abstract: Objective: To introduce the signing mechanism, terms of agreements, methods for price confidentiality and implementing of rebates agreements negotiated through Pan-Canada Pharmaceutical Alliance, provide reference for the formulation of Chinas price confidentiality agreements of negotiated drugs. Methods: Using literature research and policy analysis to analyze the negotiating process, terms and price secrecy mechanism of Canadian drug rebate agreements. Results: Through rebates agreements, Canada has balanced the interests of pharmaceutical companies and medical insurance payers. Conclusion: Chinas medical insurance drug price confidentiality agreement is in its infancy can learn from Canadas practice, using the form of rebate to establish drug price secrecy mechanism, supplemented by corresponding supporting measures such as standardizing negotiation agreements format and introducing third-party evaluation agencies, thereby to improve the scientific nature and rationality of drug price reduction.

    Key words: Canada; rebates agreements; price confidentiality; Product Listing Agreement;Letter of Intent


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-01-30


  • 公开评论  匿名评论  仅发给作者


陈童, 蒋蓉, 邵蓉. 加拿大药品返利协议研究及其对我国的启示. 2021. biomedRxiv.202101.00019


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