张志迪. 淋巴瘤CAR-T细胞治疗患者支持性照护方案的构建. 2025. biomedRxiv.202502.00029
通讯作者: 张志迪, 904788461@qq.com
Construction of supportive care protocols for patients treated with CAR-T cells for lymphoma
摘要:【摘要】目的:以支持性照护需求为理论基础,构建淋巴瘤嵌合抗原受体 T(chimeric antigen receptor T,CAR-T)细胞治疗患者支持性照护方案。方法:通过文献研究法、半结构式访谈初步构建支持性照护方案问卷,进一步运用德尔菲法经过两次专家函询,得以构建出支持性照护的方案。结果:两轮问卷回收率为100 %,专家权威系数为 0.903,肯德尔和谐系数分别为 0.253和0.262。最终方案包含一级条目5个(健康信息支持、生理症状与日常生活照护支持、心理支持、照顾与情感支持、安全支持)、二级条目20个及三级条目50个。结论:该研究制定的淋巴瘤CAR-T细胞治疗患者的支持性照护方案具有一定的科学性、适宜性。
Abstract: Abstract:Objective:Based on the need for supportive care, a supportive care scheme for patients treated with lymphoma chimeric antigen receptor T(CAR-T) cells was established.Methods: A questionnaire for supportive care program was initially constructed through a literature review and semi-structured interviews, and then refined through two rounds of Delphi method. Results: The response rate for the two rounds of questionnaires was 100%. The expert coefficient of authority was 0.903, and the Kendalls coefficient of concordance was 0.253 and 0.262, respectively. The final program included five primary categories (health information support, physiological symptoms and daily living support, psychological support, care and emotional support, and safety support), 20 secondary categories, and 50 tertiary categories. Conclusion: The supportive care program developed in this study for patients receiving CAR-T cell therapy for lymphoma has certain scientific and feasibility.
Key words: Lymphoma; Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy; Supportive care; Program construction提交时间:2025-02-18
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2024-10-10 bmr.202502.00029V1
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