余蓉, 叶雅芳, 戴莉莉, 刘晓珠. 临床护士安宁疗护核心能力的潜在剖面分析. 2024. biomedRxiv.202406.00012
通讯作者: 叶雅芳, 414985234@qq.com
Analysis of Potential Profiles and Influencing Factors of Clinical Nurses Core Competency in Hospice Care
Corresponding author: Ye Yafang, 414985234@qq.com
摘要:目的:探讨护士安宁疗护核心能力的现状,分析不同类别护士安宁疗护核心能力的潜在特征和影响因素,为制订护士安宁疗护核心能力干预方案提供参考。 方法:采用肿瘤科护士安宁疗护核心能力调查问卷于2022年12月对厦门市某医院205名临床护士进行问卷调查,应用SPSS、Mplus8.3进行数据分析。 结果:临床护士安宁疗护核心能力得分125.72±31.93分,被识别出2个潜在类别,命名为高能力水平组、低能力水平组,占比分别为 30.7%、69.3%。结果显示,是否参加安宁疗护培训、是否与病人讨论过死亡是护士安宁疗护核心能力潜在剖面类别的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论:临床护士安宁疗护核心能力处于中等水平,存在低能力水平组、高能力水平组2个潜在剖面类别。护理管理者应根据不同潜在类别的影响因素采取精准措施提升临床护士安宁疗护核心能力。
Abstract: Objective: To investigate the current status of clinical nurses core competency in palliative care, analyze the potential characteristics of different types of nurses in palliative care, and provide references for the development of targeted intervention programs for palliative care core competency.Methods: This study adopted a convenience sampling method and selected 205 clinical nurses from a hospital in Xiamen in December 2022 as the research subjects. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a questionnaire on the core competency of oncology nurses in palliative care. SPSS and Mplus were used for data analysis.Results: The score of clinical nurses core competency in palliative care was 125.72±31.93 points. Two potential categories were identified, named as the high-ability group and the low-ability group, accounting for 30.7% and 69.3% respectively. The results showed that whether nurses had participated in palliative care training and whether they had discussed death with patients were influencing factors of the potential profile categories of nurses core competency in palliative care (P<0.05).Conclusion: The core competency of clinical nurses in palliative care is at a moderate level, with two potential profile categories of low-ability and high-ability groups. Nursing managers should adopt precise measures based on the influencing factors of different potential categories to enhance clinical nurses core competency in palliative care, thereby improving the quality of death for terminally ill patients.
Key words: nurses; hospice care; core competence; latent profile analysis;investigation and analysis提交时间:2024-06-09
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2024-05-21 bmr.202406.00012V1
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