• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 李姣, li.jiao@imicams.ac.cn

Construction of multimodal perinatal health care knowledge graph towards continuing medical education

Corresponding author: LI Jiao, li.jiao@imicams.ac.cn
  • 摘要:目的/意义 多模态知识图谱在数字赋能教育中扮演着重要角色,将其应用于围产保健继续医学教育,有助于提高医护人员围产保健服务质量。方法/过程 本研究结合北京协和医院围产保健继续教育项目学员需求和课程主要特点构建顶层本体,对本体类、关系和属性进行设计和定义,利用“课程-教学单元-教学章节-知识点”四种不同粒度教学资源对教学内容进行表示,利用protégé软件实现围产保健知识图谱概念层和实例层的构建。其次,基于团队自主研发的医学知识服务平台MedKaaS,实现多模态实体进一步交互式构建,以“体态评估”课程为例进行浏览、检索和问答等应用研究,证实多模态围产保健知识图谱构建的有效性和科学性。结果/结论 该多模态知识图谱实现了围产保健课程内容的语义化整合,有助于学员对围产保健知识进行直观地、针对性地学习。

    关键词: 知识图谱围产保健医学教育


    Abstract: Purpose/Significance Multimodal knowledge graph plays an important role in digital education, and its application in perinatal health care continuing medical education is conducive to improving the quality of perinatal health care service for medical staff. Method/Process In this paper, we constructed the top-level ontology based on the needs of students of perinatal health care continuing education project in Peking Union Medical College Hospital and the main characteristics of this course, designed and defined classes, relationships and attributes, and used four different granularity teaching resources of course - unit - chapter - knowledge point to represent the teaching content. The protégé software was used to construct the instances of perinatal health care knowledge graph. Secondly, based on MedKaaS developed by our team, the further interactive construction of multi-modal entities was realized. The application research of browsing, retrieval and question and answer was carried out by taking the course of Posture Assessment as an example, which confirmed the effectiveness and scientificity of the construction of multi-modal perinatal health care knowledge graph. Result/Conclusion The multimodal knowledge graph realizes the semantic integration of perinatal health care course content, and helps students learn perinatal health care knowledge intuitively and optionally.

    Key words: knowledge graph; perinatal care; medical education


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2024-01-11


  • 公开评论  匿名评论  仅发给作者


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