• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 黄葭燕, jiayanhuang@fudan.edu.cn

A Bibliometric Analysis on Global Research Activities of Antimicrobial Resistance

Corresponding author: Jiayan Huang, jiayanhuang@fudan.edu.cn
  • 摘要:目的 本研究旨在厘清大量抗生素耐药性领域内以人类为主题的研究所揭示的研究经验和未来趋势,并分析主要科研合作关系,为中国未来开展抗生素耐药性领域的研究提供参考。方法 以Web of Science 为检索数据库,检索获取1990至2021年的研究文献,根据全球相关重要政策和行动计划,划分三个时间阶段,使用Citespace, Hiscites 和 VOSviewers软件进行文献计量分析。结果 1990年至今,AMR领域内以“人类”为主题的研究同全球AMR治理行动的发展方向基本一致。从研究形式上表现为多学科交叉程度不断增加。研究内容上,表现为流行病学的相关研究的重要性持续上升、基因层面研究纵深发展的特点。同时,国家间的研究合作网络逐渐扩大。近10年来我国的发文量快速增长,但对外合作程度仍然相对较低。该领域的研究发展趋势方面,可能会继续维持强化多学科、多部门和多国合作的发展方向,重点关注高质量流行病学数据收集与分析的研究。结论 未来应继续重视“One Health”理念在AMR领域的治理和研究中的重要性,加强我国国内研究和治理能力的同时,与各国开展更有针对性地合作,提升我国在全球AMR治理行动中的参与。

    关键词: 抗生素耐药性文献计量分析流行病学学术影响力


    Abstract: Objective The study aims to clarify the research experience and future trends of human-themed research in the field of AMR, to analyze the main scientific research cooperation relationships using past literature data, and to support the further research in the field of AMR in China. Methods A multi-stage bibliometric analysis, divided into three periods 1990-2001, 2001-2010, and 2011-2021, was conducted with research articles retrieved from Web of Science database. We use Citespace, Hiscites and VOSviewers software to carry out the bibliometric analysis. Results Since 1990, the research progress in the field of AMR subtheme “Human” is basically consistent with the development direction of the global AMR governance action. This progress is manifested in the increasing degree of multidisciplinary intersection, the continuous increase in the importance of epidemiological research, and the in-depth research development on the genetics level. Furthermore, the cooperation network between countries has gradually expanded, and although China has the second largest overall number of publication, the level of centrality is still relatively low. Thus, future research in this area would likely further develop in the direction of strengthening multidisciplinary, multisectoral, and international collaborations, with a particular focus on research that facilitates high-quality epidemiological data collection. Conclusion The result of this bibliometric research emphasizes the importance of One Health perspective. China should continue to strengthen multidisciplinary, intersectoral and international actions base on the concept of One Health, and to make more efforts on participating in the global anti-AMR actions and developing more targeted bilateral cooperation actively.

    Key words: antimicrobial resistance; bibliometric analysis; epidemiology; academic impact


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2022-01-12


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方晢伊, 祝雯珺, 黄葭燕. 全球抗生素耐药性研究进展的文献计量分析. 2022. biomedRxiv.202207.00021


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