• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅

商业健康保险对居民健康的影响* —来自CGSS数据的经验证据

通讯作者: 周德水, zhoudeshui86@163.com

Evaluation of commercial medical insurance on the health effects of urban and rural residents ——Empirical evidence from CGSS data

Corresponding author: zhoudeshui, zhoudeshui86@163.com
  • 摘要:商业健康保险作为社会医疗保险的有益补充,是推动健康中国战略的重要抓手。文章基于中国综合社会调查(CGSS)数据,采用截面倍差(DID)法与倾向得分匹配(PSM)法估计了商业健康保险对参保居民健康的影响。研究发现:商业健康保险具有正向健康效应,即参加商业健康保险能够显著促进居民健康,提升居民健康水平。通过使用截面倍差法克服因果效应与倾向得分匹配法进行反事实估计发现,商业健康保险对居民健康的正向影响仍然成立。扩展性分析显示,商业健康保险对高收入群体的健康促进效应显著高于低收入群体,同时在40岁以上、中西部地区更显著。本文结论有助于认清商业健康保险对提升居民健康水平的价值与深层影响。

    关键词: 商业健康保险;健康;截面倍差法


    Abstract: As a useful supplement to social medical insurance, commercial health insurance is an important starting point for promoting a healthy China strategy. Based on the China Comprehensive Social Survey (CGSS), the article uses the cross-section double difference method and the propensity score matching method (PSM) method to evaluate the impact of commercial health insurance on the health of the insured. The study found that: commercial health insurance has a positive health effect, that is, purchasing commercial health insurance can significantly promote the health of residents and improve the health of residents. By using the cross-sectional double difference method to overcome the causal effect and the propensity score matching method for counterfactual estimation, it is found that the positive impact of commercial health insurance on residents health is still valid. Expansion analysis shows that the health promotion effect of commercial health insurance on high-income groups is significantly higher than that of low-income groups, and at the same time, it is more significant in the middle and western regions over the age of 40. The conclusions of this article help to recognize the value and deep-seated impact of commercial health insurance on improving the health of residents.

    Key words: commercial health insurance; health; cross-section double difference method


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-08-05


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周德水, 党思琪. 商业健康保险对居民健康的影响* —来自CGSS数据的经验证据. 2021. biomedRxiv.202108.00013


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