• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 刘晋, liuwwy@163.com

Application of blockchain smart contract technology in the field of medical waste supervision

Corresponding author: liujin, liuwwy@163.com
  • 摘要:针对当下对医疗废弃物监管进行规范化管理过程中,医疗废弃物监管信息系统在数据存储方面采用传统信息技术,对其数据来源、完整性缺少强有力的保障机制,存在篡改和伪造的风险数据来源的问题,提出一种基于区块链智能合约技术在医疗废弃物监管领域的应用方案。通过提供可追溯且不可篡改的数据存储功能、去中心化的系统架构、不可否认的非对称加密签名机制以及灵活的智能合约,将医疗废弃物处置监管系统产生的过程信息通过智能合约记录到区块链,形成医疗废弃物监管合约应用,为卫生、环保等管理部门提供处置追踪信息不可篡改的数字化证明,为医疗废弃物处置的监管和追责提供了权威的举证凭据。与已有的应用无缝整合,从根本上保障了数据的完整性、一致性,为建设新一代医疗废弃物监管信息系统提供了支撑。

    关键词: 区块链智能合约医疗废弃物监管


    Abstract: In view of the current standardized management of medical waste supervision, the medical waste supervision information system uses traditional information technology in data storage, lacks a strong guarantee mechanism for its data source and integrity, and there is a risk of tampering and forgery。 Problem, it proposes an application scheme based on blockchain smart contract technology in the field of medical waste supervision。 By providing a traceable and non-tamperable data storage function, a decentralized system architecture, an undeniable asymmetric encryption signature mechanism, and a flexible smart contract, the process information generated by the medical waste disposal supervision system is recorded to the district through a smart contract The blockchain forms the application of medical waste supervision contracts, provides digital certificates that the management of health and environmental protection can not be tampered with, and provides authoritative evidence for the supervision and accountability of medical waste disposal。 Seamless integration with existing applications fundamentally guarantees data integrity and consistency, and provides support for building a new generation of medical waste supervision information system。

    Key words: blockchain; smart contract; medical waste supervision


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-06-06


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刘晋, 王晖. 区块链智能合约技术在医疗废弃物监管领域的应用. 2021. biomedRxiv.202106.00011


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